UHH>Informatik>NatS>TWiki Web>SiteMap (17 Oct 2012, UnknownUser) Print version

Foswiki Site Map

There are open and closed webs. You can only edit the open once. Closed Webs aren't editable any more and aren't accessible from the main navigation.

Open Webs

Webs Description
Main Natural Language Systems, Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
User ... home of all NatsWeb users Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
Support Help, FAQs, Tutorials, Bugreports on the Foswiki Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
Sandbox ...experiment in an unrestricted hands-on web. Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
TWiki NatsWiki System Managing Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
AAU2016 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
AAU2018 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
ASN13 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
Addis2022 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
Addis2023 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
CDG Constraint Dependency Grammar Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
CL Integriertes Anwendungsfach "Computerlinguistik" Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
CinacsJC ...collaborate on Excellence in Research Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
CristinaVertan Homepage of CristinaVertan Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
CrossLingIR Hauptstudiumsprojekt "Crosslingual Retrieval in WWW", Wintersemester 2006/2007 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
CxG Construction Grammar in Germany Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
DIALSYS Hauptstudiumsprojekt "Sprachdialogsysteme: Design, Implementation und Evaluation", Sommersemester 2006 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
DataM10 Data Mining SS2010 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
DevTools15 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
DialogSys Seminar "Dialogsysteme", Wintersemester 2006/2007 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
ELSNET06 The 12th ELSNET European Summer School on Language and Speech Communication Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
Erasmus Intercambio con la Universidad de Granada, Austausch mit der Universität Granada Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
GWV1415 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
GWV1516 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
GWV1617 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
GWV1718 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
GWV1819 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
GWV1920 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
HDT Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
INCOM Inputkorrektur durch Constraints und Markups Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
ITeach Leonardo da Vinci - Projekt Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
MCSP International Msc. in Computational linguistics and Speech Processing Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
MT05 Hauptstudiumsprojekt "Maschinelle Übersetzung", Wintersemester 2005/2006 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
MichaelDaum Homepage of Michael Daum Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
Oberseminar Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
PIPLM Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
PROLIV Projekt "Animierte PROzessmodelle komplexer (computer-) LInguistischer Verfahren und Theorien" Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
ProLangTech17 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
ProST17 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
ProST18 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
ProSub1415 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
ProSub16 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
Prolog1011 Logikprogrammierung Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
Prolog1415 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
Prolog1516 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
Prolog1617 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
Prolog1718 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
Prolog1819 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
Prolog1920 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
Prolog2021 ...collaborate on Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
SDS19 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
SDS20 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
SLP16 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
SWC Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
SabrinaHilger Homepage of Sabrina Hilger Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
Schnupperstudium Mensch Maschine Kommunikation mit gesprochener Sprache Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
SemSprachtechnologie16 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
SemSprachtechnologie17 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
System Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
System Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
User.ArneKoehn Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
User.ChristineKoehn Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
User.TimoBaumann Natural Language Systems, Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
VGS0607 Proseminar "Verarbeitung gesprochener Sprache", Wintersemester 2006/2007 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
VGS15 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
VGS19 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
VGS20 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
WS18 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
WS19 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
WS2020 Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate

Closed Webs

Webs Description
EBMT German-Czech Machine Translation Project (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
Enti Grundstudiumspraktikum "Natürlichsprachliche Interfaces", Sommersemester 2003 (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
ESS2003 Elsnet Summer School 2003 (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
GirlsDay05 Veranstaltung "Girls Day im FB- Informatik", Sommer 2005 (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
InfEx Seminar "Informations Extraktion aus Texten", Sommersemester 2003 (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
KIA Proseminar "Architekturen von KI-Systemen", Sommersemester 2004 (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
LOPRO05 Praktikum "Logikprogrammierung", Sommersemester 2005 (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
LUSE Projekt "Lernumgebungen für die Softwareentwicklung", SoSe 2003, WiSe 2003/2004 (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
MSS Projekt "Mutlimodale Sprachlehrsysteme", Sommersemester 2002, (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
MSW Grundstudiumspraktikum "Mehrsprachigkeit im Semantic Web", Sommersemester 2004 (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
MSW05 Grundstudiumspraktikum "Mehrsprachigkeit im Semantic Web", Sommersemester 2005 (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
MTSWK05 Workshop "Semantic Web Technologies for Machine Translation" on MT Summit X (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
MT Grundstudiumspraktikum "Maschinelle Übersetzung", Wintersemester 2002/2003, (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
MTP Multilingual Tourism Planner - Project with the students at Bucharest University (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
MultiMod Praktikum "Multimodale Verarbeitung - mehrsprachige Fernwartung mit Bildunterstützung", Wintersemester 2003/2004 (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
NatInt Projekt "Natürlichsprachliche Intefaces", WiSe 2002/2003, SoSe 2003 (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
OnCom Seminar "Online Communication", SoSe 2003, University of Bremen (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
OSS2004 Proseminar "Open Source Software", Sommersemester 2004 (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
RANLPMT2005 Workshop "Modern Approaches in Translation Technologies" on RANLP 2005 (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
SemanticWeb04 Proseminar "Benutzungsintuition und Transparenz im Semantic Web", Wintersemester 2004/2005closed Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
SemWeb Proseminar "Benutzungsintuition und Transparenz im Semantic Web ", Wintersemester 2003/2004 (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
SpeakerId Projekt "Nutzerauthentifizierung mit gesprochener Sprache", Sommersemester 2004 (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate
SRA Studienreformausschuss (closed) Index, Changes, Notify, Stats, Prefs, Syndicate

This table is updated automatically based on WebPreferences settings of the individual webs.
Contact wolfgang.menzel@uni-hamburg.de if you need a separate collaboration web for your team.




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