This list is not complete. * Seminar Sprachtechnologie (Seminar Language Technology) * ProSub 2016 (what makes good subtitles?) * ProSub 14 15 (subtitles ...
TurboParser 2.1 was used as a base for all experiments. On top, the following patches were applied: * tp patches.tar.gz: Patches to TurboParser Due to the difference ...
Todos für Cobacose * SVGs als utf 8 einbinden (im Moment werden die Grafiken als Latin 1 interpretiert, weshalb alle Umlaute kaputt sind) * Anzahl Ergebnisse ...
SPMRL 2014 software and data These are the settings, programs and scripts we used for our paper "Parsing Morphologically Rich Languages with (Mostly) Off The Shelf ...