50 recent changes in User/ArneKoehn Web retrieved at 16:40 (GMT)

This list is not complete. * Seminar Sprachtechnologie (Seminar Language Technology) * ProSub 2016 (what makes good subtitles?) * ProSub 14 15 (subtitles ...
TurboParser 2.1 was used as a base for all experiments. On top, the following patches were applied: * tp patches.tar.gz: Patches to TurboParser Due to the difference ...
Todos für Cobacose * SVGs als utf 8 einbinden (im Moment werden die Grafiken als Latin 1 interpretiert, weshalb alle Umlaute kaputt sind) * Anzahl Ergebnisse ...
SPMRL 2014 software and data These are the settings, programs and scripts we used for our paper "Parsing Morphologically Rich Languages with (Mostly) Off The Shelf ...
Foswiki's User/ArneKoehn web
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User/ArneKoehn Web Preferences Appearance * Set WEBBGCOLOR = #efefef * web specific background color, current color * Set SITEMAPLIST = on * set ...
" else="Foswiki's User/ArneKoehn web"}% /User/ArneKoehn
Number of topics: 16

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