
  • Date: 3. September 2002
  • Time: 10:00 to 12:30 am plus 13:00 to 15:00 pm
  • Attendees: WolfgangMenzel, KilianAFoth, TomasBy, MichaelDaum
  • Topic: towards partial parsing results for the DFG report

Priority list and job assignments

  1. * HeiseGrammar: extract chunk annotations for a fake chunker; write a fake chunker for the WCDG (MichaelDaum)
  2. * HeiseGrammar: add morphology patterns for german, initially for the nouns; extend the lexicon template system in the WCDG to allow a hierarchical order of templates (KilianAFoth)
  3. Extract subcategorial information from the GermaNet; get/write a baseform normalization in oder to access the GermaNet
  4. * Experiments with partial parsing:
    • remove constraints; use only a subset of labels (e.g. not marking the first complement) <- is that sensful?
    • weaken top-node constraints; write top-node-constraints of different classes, e.g. a noun is a better top-node than a determiner (TomasBy)
  5. NegraCorpus: extend the HeiseGrammar to cover the lexicon of the NegraCorpus
  6. * Experiments with chunk info (maybe get a real chunker attached), including writing constraints for the chunker (KilianAFoth)
  7. * NegraGrammar: convert the NegraCorpus to dependency annotations; write a memo documenting that (MichaelDaum)
  8. NegraCorpus: extract chunk annotations (MichaelDaum)
  9. Invent a new CDG predicate =between(pos1, pos2, condition)= which is no more a local constraint but one relying on the linear wordorder of the sentence

(*: high priority)

-- MichaelDaum - 03 Sep 2002
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