Intelligent Tutoring Systems

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Songwen Xu and Yam San Chee. Transformation-based diagnosis of student programs for programming tutoring systems. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 29(4):360--384, 2003.
Keywords: Automatic program analysis, programming tutoring systems, program representation, program transformation, program comparison, program matching
Antonija Mitrovic, Kenneth R. Koedinger, and Brent Martin. A comparative analysis of cognitive tutoring and constraint-based modeling. Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on User Modeling UM, pages 313--322, 2003. [ www: ]
Keywords: Cognitive tutors, model tracing, constraint-based modelling
Antonija Mitrovic and Stellan Ohlsson. Evaluation of a constraint-based tutor for a database languange. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 10:238--256, 1999.
Keywords: constraint-based knowledge representation, evaluation, power law, RETE network
Kai Warendorf and Colin Tan. constraint-based student modeling - a simpler way of revising student errors. Proceedings of ICICS, 2:1083--1087, 1997. [ http ]
Keywords: approaches to student modeling, constraint-based modeling in data structure
E. Soloway, E. Rubin, B. Woolf, Jeffrey Bonar, and W. Lewis Johnson. Meno-ii: An ai-based programming tutor. Journal of Computer-Based Instruction, 10(1 & 2):20--34, 1983.
Keywords: Pascal learning system, AI-based tutoring system, BUG-FINDER and TUTOR, Bug Catalogue, knowledge representation language
Jason E. Robbins. Design critiquing systems. [ .pdf ]
Keywords: Design tools, Critiquing Systems, Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Coaching Systems, ADAIR Process

Total: 6

See also: Bibtex for Prolog

-- LeNguyenThinh -- 07 Dec 2004
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