UHH>Informatik>NatS>TWiki Web>AddNewWeb (17 Oct 2012, UnknownUser) Print version

Add New Web

Create a new web by filling out this form.

Name of new web: Enter a short name of up to 10 characters. The name must start with one or more upper case letters, followed by optional lower case letters or numbers; it cannot be a WikiWord
Based on web: Select a TemplateWeb
Web color: Enter a StandardColors code for the web

Enter a short description of the web. Write Web.TopicName instead of just TopicName if you include links. This will list the web in the SiteMap (leave field empty if you prefer not to update the directory.)
Use to...

Continue the sentence describing the intended use. This is also for the SiteMap
Exclude web from "search all": No   Yes Specify if you want to exclude the web from a "search all webs" search. Note that the SiteMap will not list the web if you select Yes.

Note: It is not recommended to create a new web for each little project. You can organize content within a web using TWikiForms and FormattedSearch. Cross-linking topics and search is easier if there are only a few larger webs.

Note: Attachments will NOT get copied over along with their topics. This will be a feature added for the TWiki:Codev/CairoRelease.

Note: This script does not yet edit the System.TWikiPreferences file to update the WIKIWEBLIST. This must be done by hand.

The manage script while creating the new web will update the following variables in the WebPreferences: WEBBGCOLOR, SITEMAPLIST, SITEMAPWHAT, SITEMAPUSETO and NOSEARCHALL. These variables are now used to dynamically generate the SiteMap.

-- MichaelDaum -- 29 Aug 2003




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