Tool Description

The Java tool has 2 parts:
  • Benutzer hinzufuegen - it adds users to the XML database
  • Benutzer identifizieren - it just records a file ("testuser.wav"), that is the file that should be compared with the ones in the database in order to give the answer.

The interface of the tool fits only the first version.

The interface can also show the final result, but is needed from the other modules a string (the name of the user, if the user is identified, or the empty string - this can be changed! - in case the user is not identified)

In order to record the .wav files it is used javax.sound.sampled.*, for parsing the XML file it is used the DOM parser (org.w3c.dom.Document, org.w3c.dom.*), and for generating the interface javax.swing.*.

The DOM parser parses the XML file and the whole structure is kept in a tree structure that can be easily managed. There is a very easy method to transform at the end the DOM tree again in an XML file.

The Audio Format that is recorded:

sample rate = 16000.0F (can also be 8000,11025,22050,44100)

sample size in Bits = 16 (can also be 8)

channels = 1 (can also be 2)

signed = true (can also be false)

big Endian = false (can also be true)

With Java sound it can be recorded the following types of sound files:
  • AIFC
  • AIFF
  • AU
  • SND
  • WAV

With Praat it can be recorded:
  • AIFC
  • WAV
  • NeXT/Sun
  • NIST

-- GavrilaMonica -- 23 Apr 2004
Warning: Can't find topic SpeakerId.WebLeftBarExample

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