3. Tasks during the organization phase

The Master Plan is subdivided into two phases :

  • Phase I. Preparation phase September 06 - February 07
  • Phase II. Expected start of the full study programme in winter semester 2007/08 at the University of Hamburg

The following tasks should be completed during the planning phase.

  • Assignment of existent activities to existent master modules or ones in the development phase.
  • Choice of suitable basic and advances courses
  • Partner registration process in the EU- Master in the "Speech and language program"
  • Decide terms and conditions for a possible joint-degree-agreement or at least a double-degree-agreement with an individual partner.
  • Stipulate admittance prerequisites.
  • Choice or establishment of English events.
  • Definition of general criteria for the dissertation.
  • Agreement of possible student fees and criteria for fees exeption.
  • Creation of an “Advisory Board” with specialists from research institutes who work closely with industry, particulary specialists that are orientated to dissertation topics.
  • Development and adaptation of core curriculum

The beginning of the Master's program depends on the Summer/Winter cycle.
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