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Antonella Sorace and Frank Keller. Gradient grammaticality. To appear in Lingua, 2005. [ .pdf ]
John J. McCarthy and Matthew Wolf. Less than zero: Correspondence and the null output, march 2005. [ .pdf ]
Matthew Crocker and Frank Keller. Probabilistic grammars as models of gradience in language processing. In Gisbert Fanselow, Caroline Féry, Ralph Vogel, and Matthias Schlesewsky, editors, Gradience in Grammar: Generative Perspectives, Oxford, 2005. Oxford University Press. [ .pdf ]
Markus Bader, Jana Häussler, and Josef Bayer. Toward an integrated model of structure and frequency. In Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, AMLaP. Laboratoire Parole et Langage, CNRS, Université de Provence, September 2004.
Shravan Vasishth and Richard L. Lewis. Modeling sentence processing in act-r. In Frank Keller, Stephen Clark, Matthew Crocker, and Mark Steedman, editors, Proceedings of the ACL Workshop Incremental Parsing: Bringing Engineering and Cognition Together, pages 82--87, Barcelona, Spain, July 2004. Association for Computational Linguistics. [ .pdf ]
Johnny Bigert, Jonas Sjöbergh, Ola Knutsson, and Magnus Salhgren. Unsupervised evaluation of parser robustness. In Proceedings of CICLing 2005, Mexico City, Mexico, July 2004. [ .pdf ]
Duane Watson and Edward Gibson. Making sense of the sense unit condition. Linguistic Inquiry, 2004. in press. [ .pdf ]
Tylman Ule and Sandra Kübler. From phrase structure to dependencies, and back. In Proceedings of The International Conference on Linguistic Evidence, Tübingen, Germany, January 2004. [ .pdf ]
Teenie Matlock. Fictive motion as cognitive simulation. Memory and Cognition, (to appear), 2004. [ .pdf ]
Raluca Budiu and John R. Anderson. Interpretation-based processing: a unified theory of semantic sentence comprehension. In Cognitive Science [Budiu01], pages 1--44. [ .pdf ]
David Beaver, Brady Clark, Edward Flemming, and F. Jaeger. The perception of second occurrence focus, January 2004. Handout. Presented at LSA Annual Mtg. [ .pdf ]
David Beaver, Brady Clark, Edward Flemming, and Maria Wolters. Second occurrence focus is prosodically marked: Results of a production experiment, 2004. in preparation. [ .pdf ]
J. R. Anderson, D. Bothell, M. D. Byrne, S. Douglass, C. Lebiere, and Y Qin. An integrated theory of the mind. Psychological Review, 111(4):1036--1060, 2004. [ .pdf ]
Gerard Kempen and Karin Harbusch. An artificial opposition between grammaticality and frequency: comment on [bornkessel, schlesewsky, and friederici (2002)]. In Cognition [BornkesselEtal02], pages 205--210. [ .pdf ]
JungEun Year. Sentence processing within the competition model. Working Papers in TESOL & Applied Linguistics, 3(1), 2003. [ .pdf ]
Pauline Welby. Effects of pitch accent position, type, and status on focus projection. Language and Speech, 46:53--81, 2003. [ .pdf ]
Patrick Sturt. The time-course of the application of binding constraints in reference resolution. Journal of Memory and Language, 48(3):542--562, 2003. [ .pdf ]
Jesse Snedeker and John Trueswell. Using prosody to avoid ambiguity: Effects of speaker awareness and referential context. Journal of Memory and Language, 48(1):103--130, 2003. [ .pdf ]
D. C. Richardson, M. J. Spivey, K. McRae, and L. W. Barsalou. Spatial representations activated during real-time comprehension of verbs. Cognitive Science, 27:767--780, 2003. [ .pdf ]
Gail McKoon and Roger Ratcliff. Meaning through syntax: Language comprehension and the reduced relative clause construction. Psychological Review, 110(3):490--525, 2003. [ .pdf ]
Teenie Matlock, M. Ramscar, and Lear Boroditsky. The experiential basis of meaning. In Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2003. [ .pdf ]
Richard L. Lewis. Computational psycholinguistics. Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science, 2003. [ .pdf ]
Jean-Pierre Koenig, Gail Mauner, and Breton Bienvenue. Arguments for adjuncts. Cognition, 89(2):67--103, 2003. [ .pdf ]
Yuki Kamide, Gerry Altmann, and Sarah L. Haywood. The time-course of prediction in incremental sentence processing: Evidence from anticipatory eye movements. Journal of Memory and Language, 49:133--156, 2003. see Corrigendum. [ .pdf ]
Sun-Ah Jun. Prosodic phrasing and attachment preferences. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 32(3), 2003. [ .pdf ]
Ryu Iida, Kentaro Inui, Hiroya Takamura, and Yuji Matsumoto. Incorporating contextual cues in trainable models for coreference resolution. In Robert Dale, Kees van Dempter, and Ruslan Mitkov, editors, Proceedings of the EACL-03 Workshop on the Computational Treatment of Anaphora, Budapest, 2003.
Jens-Max Hopf, Markus Bader, Michael Meng, and Josef Bayer. Is human sentence parsing serial or parallel? evidence from event-related brain potentials. Cognitive Brain Research, 15:165--177, 2003. [ .pdf ]
Fernanda Ferreira. The misinterpretation of noncanonical sentences. Cognitive Psychology, 47(2):164--203, 2003. [ .pdf ]
Amit Dubey and Frank Keller. Probabilistic parsing for german using sister-head dependencies. ACL, 2003. [ .pdf ]
Robert Dale, Kees van Dempter, and Ruslan Mitkov, editors. Proceedings of the EACL-03 Workshop on the Computational Treatment of Anaphora, Budapest, 2003.
Karl G. D. Bailey and Fernanda Ferreira. Disfluencies affect the parsing of garden-path sentences. Journal of Memory and Language, 49(2):183--200, 2003. [ .pdf ]
Jennifer E. Arnold, Maria Fagnano, and Michael K. Tanenhaus. Disfluencies signal theee, um, new information. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 32(1):25--36, 2003. [ .pdf ]
Ina Bornkessel, Matthias Schlesewsky, and Angela D. Friederici. Grammar overrides frequency: evidence from the online processing of flexible word order. Cognition, 85(2):B21--B30, September 2002. [ .pdf ]
Wen Wang and Mary P. Harper. The superarv language model: Investigating the effectiveness of tightly integrating multiple knowledge sources. In Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), pages 238--247, Philadelphia, July 2002. Association for Computational Linguistics. [ .pdf ]
Matthew W. Crocker. Review of ”sentence comprehension: The integration of habits and rules”. In Computational Linguistics [TownsendBever01], pages 238 -- 241.
Matthew J. Traxler, Robin K. Morris, and Rachel E. Seely. Processing subject and object relative clauses: Evidence from eye-movements. Journal of Memory and Language, 47:69--90, 2002. [ .pdf ]
Michael J. Spivey, Michael K. Tanenhaus, Kathleen M. Eberhard, and Julie C. Sedivy. Eye movements and spoken language comprehension: Effects of visual context on syntactic ambiguity resolution. Cognitive Psychology, 45(4):447--481, 2002. [ .pdf ]
Douglas Rohde. A Connectionist Model of Sentence Comprehension and Production. PhD thesis, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition, Pittsburgh, PA, 2002. [ .pdf ]
Vincent Ng and Claire Cardie. Identifying anaphoric and non-anaphoric noun phrases to improve coreference resolution. In COLING 2002, 2002.
Vincent Ng and Claire Cardie. Improving machine learning approaches to coreference resolution. In 40th Annual Meeting of the Asssociation for Computational Linguistics, 2002.
Ruslan Mitkov. Anaphora Resolution. Longman, Harlow, UK, 2002.
Gail McKoon and Talke Macfarland. Event templates in the lexical representations of verbs. Cognitive Psychology, 45(1):1--44, 2002. [ .pdf ]
Sandra Kübler and Heike Telljohann. Towards a dependency-based evaluation for partial parsin, 2002. [ .ps.gz ]
Daniel Grodner, Edward Gibson, and Susanne Tunstall. Syntactic complexity in ambiguity resolution. Journal of Memory and Language, 46(2):267--295, 2002. [ .pdf ]
Hana Filip, Michael K. Tanenhaus, Gregory N. Carlson, Paul D. Allopenna, and Joshua Blatt. Reduced Relatives Judged Hard Require Constraint-Based Analyses, pages 255--280. Sentence Processing and the lexicon: formal, computational, and experimental perspectives. Benjamins, Amsterdam, 2002.
Simon Clematide. Selektive evaluation von robusten parsern, 2002. Konvens 2002. [ .pdf ]
Alison Cawsey, Mounia Lalmas, and Thomas Roelleke. Weeking information - methods from information retrieval and artificial intelligence, 2002. [ .pdf ]
Gosse Bouma and Geert Kloosterman. Querying dependency treebanks in XML. In Proceedings of the Third international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC), Gran Canaria, 2002. [ .pdf ]
Markus Becker and Anette Frank. A stochastic topological parser for german, 2002. [ .ps ]
Bernadette M. Schmitt, Antoni Rodriguez-Fornells, Marta Kutas, and Thomas F. Münte. Electrophysiological estimates of semantic and syntactic information access during tacit picture naming and listening to words. Neuroscience Research, 41(Issue 3):293--298, November 2001. [ .pdf ]
David J. Townsend and Thomas G. Bever. Sentence comprehension: The integration of habits and rules. Language, speech, and communication series. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, May 2001. [ http ]
Wee Meng Soon, Hwee Tou Ng, and Daniel Chung Yong Lim. A machine learning approach to coreference resolution of noun phrases. Computational Linguistics, 27(4):521--544, 2001.
Carolyn Penstein Rosé and Alon Lavie. Balancing Robustness and Efficiency in Unification-augmented Context-Free Parsers for Large Practical Applications, chapter 10, pages 239--269. Volume 17 of Text, Speech and Language Technology [JunquaNoord01], 2001.
Brian Roark. Robust Probabilistic Predictive Syntactic Processing: Motivations, Models, and Applications. PhD thesis, 2001. [ .ps.gz ]
Walter Kintsch. Predication. Cognitive Science, 25(2):173--202, 2001. [ .pdf ]
Frank Keller and Ash Asudeh. Constraints on linguistic coreference: Structural vs. pragmatic factors. In Johanna D. Moore and Keith Stenning, editors, Proceedings of the 23rd. Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pages 483--488, Mahwah, NJ, 2001. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [ .pdf ]
Jean-Claude Junqua and Gertjan van Noord. Robustness in Language and Speech Technology, volume 17 of Text, Speech and Language Technology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 2001.
A. D. Friederici, A. Mecklinger, K. Spencer, K. Steinhauer, and E. Donchin. Syntactic parsing preferences and their on-line revisions: A spatio-temporal analysis of event-related brain potentials. Cognitive Brain Research, 11:305--323, 2001. [ .pdf ]
Kiel Christianson, Andrew Hollingworth, John F. Halliwell, and Fernanda Ferreira. Thematic roles assigned along the garden path linger. Cognitive Psychology, 42:368--407, 2001. [ .pdf ]
Katy Carlson, Jr. Charles Clifton, and Lyn Frazier. Prosodic boundaries in adjunct attachment. Journal of Memory and Language, 45(1):58--81, 2001. [ .pdf ]
Raluca Budiu. The Role of Background Knowledge in Sentence Processing. Doctoral dissertation, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, 2001. [ .pdf ]
Breck, Light, Mann, Riloff, Brown, Anand, Rooth, and Thelen. Looking under the hood: Tools for diagnosing your question and answering engine. 2001. [ .ps.gz ]
Lera Boroditsky. Does language shape thought? english and mandarin speakers' conceptions of time. Cognitive Psychology, 43(1):1--22, 2001. [ .pdf ]
Amit Almor, Maryellen C. MacDonald, Daniel Kempler, Elaine S. Andersen, and Lorraine K. Tyler. Comprehension of long distance number agreement in probable alzheimer's disease. Language and Cognitive Processes, 16(1), 2001. [ .pdf ]
Matthew Crocker and Thorsten Brants. Wide-coverage probabilistic sentence processing. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 29(6):647--669, November 2000. [ .pdf ]
Neal J. Pearlmutter and A. A. Mendelson. Serial versus parallel sentence comprehension. Manuscript in revision, August 31 2000. [ .ps ]
A. Friederici, B. Opitz, and Y von Cramon. Segregating semantic and syntactic aspects of processing in the human brain: an fmri investigation of different word types. Cerebral Cortex, 10, July 2000. [ .pdf ]
Renata Vieira and Massimo Poesio. An empirically based system for processing definite descriptions. Computational Linguistics, 26(4):539--593, 2000. [ .pdf ]
Schwitter, Molla, Fournier, and Hess. Answer extraction towards better evaluations of nlp systems. 2000. [ .pdf ]
Amy J. Schafer, Shari R. Speer, Paul Warren, and S. David White. Intonational disambiguation in sentence production and comprehension. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 29:169--182, 2000. [ .pdf ]
Riloff and Thelen. A rule-based question answering system for reading comprehension tests. 2000. [ .ps.gz ]
Martin J. Pickering, Matthew J. Traxler, and Matthew W. Crocker. Ambiguity resolution in sentence processing: Evidence against frequency-based accounts. Journal of Memory and Language, 43(3):447--475, 2000. [ .pdf ]
Colin Phillips. Levels of representation in the electrophysiology of speech processing. 2000. [ .pdf ]
W. Ni, R. T. Constable, W. E. Mencl, K. R. Pugh, R. K. Fulbright, S. E. Shaywitz, B. A. Shaywitz, J. C. Gore, and D. Shankweiler. An event-related neuroimaging study distinguishing form and content in sentence processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 12:120--133, 2000.
Richard Lawrence Lewis. Falsifying serial and parallel parsing models: Empirical conundrum and an overlooked paradigm. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 29(2):241--248, 2000. [ .pdf ]
Daniel Jurafsky and James H. Martin. Speech and Language Processing: An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 2000.
Yan Huang. Anaphora: A cross-linguistic study. Oxford Studies in Typology and Linguistic Theory, 2000.
Stefan Frisch. Verb-Argument-Struktur, Kasus und thematische Interpretation beim Sprachverstehen. PhD thesis, University of Potsdam, 2000. [ .pdf ]
David Embick, Alec Marantz, Yasushi Miyashita, Wayne O'Neil, , and Kuniyoshi L. Sakai. A syntactic specialization for broca's area. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 97:6150--6154, 2000. [ .pdf ]
Eugene Charniak. A maximum-entropy-inspired parser. In Proc. of the North American Chapter of the ACL, pages 132--139, Seattle, Washington, 2000. Morgan Kaufmann. [ .pdf ]
Thorsten Brants and Matthew Crocker. Probabilistic parsing and psychological plausibility. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2000. [ .ps.gz ]
Ruslan Mitkov. Anaphora resolution: the state of the art, 1999. Working paper (Based on the COLING'98/ACL'98 tutorial on anaphora resolution). [ .ps.gz ]
Richard L. Lewis. Specifying architectures for language processing: Process, control, and memory in parsing and interpretation. In Mathew Crocker, Manfred Pickering, and C. Jr. Clifton, editors, Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Cambridge University Press, 1999. [ .ps ]
Hirschman, Light, Breck, and Burger. Deep read: A reading comprehension system. 1999. [ .ps.gz ]
Michael Collins, Jan Hajic, Lance Ramshaw, and Christoph Tillmann. A statistical parser for czech. ACL, 1999. [ .pdf ]
Michael Collins. Head-Driven Statistical Models for Natural Language Parsing. Phd thesis, University of Pennsylvania, Philadephia, PA, 1999. [ .ps ]
E. Gibson and Neal J. Pearlmutter. Constraints on sentence comprehension. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2:262--268, May 15 1998. [ .ps ]
Dekang Lin. Dependency-based evaluation of minipar. In Proceedings of the Workshop on the Evaluation of Parsing Systems, First International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Granada, Spain, May 1998.
Lyn Frazier. Getting there (slowly). Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 27(2):123--146, March 1998. [ .pdf ]
Ruslan Mitkov. Robust pronoun resolution with limited knowledge. In Proceedings 17th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, 36th Annual Meeting of the ACL, Coling-ACL '98, pages 869--865, Montreal, Canada, 1998.
Ruslan Mitkov. Robust pronoun resolution with limited knowledge. In In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING'98)/ACL'98 Conference, pages 869--875, Montreal, Canada, 1998. [ .ps.gz ]
Edward Gibson. Linguistic complexity: locality of syntactic dependencies. Cognition, 68(1):1--76, 1998. [ .pdf ]
Herbert Clark and Thomas Wasow. Repeating words in spontaneous speech. Cognitive Psychology, 37:201--242, 1998. [ .pdf ]
Kim Ainsworth-Darnell, Harvey G. Shulman, and Julie E. Boland. Dissociating brain responses to syntactic and semantic anomalies: Evidence from event-related potentials. Journal of Memory and Language, 38(Issue 1):112--130, January 1998. [ http ]
Dayne Freitag. Using grammatical inference to improve precision in information extraction. In ICML-97 Workshop on Automata Induction, Grammatical Inference, and Language Acquisition, Nashville, July 1997. [ .ps.gz ]
D. Cristea and Bonie Lynn Webber. Expectations in incremental discourse processing. In Proc. 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Comptutational Linguistics, Madrid, July 1997. [ .html ]
Stefan Riezler. Quantitative constraint logic programming for weighted grammar applications. In Christian Retoré, editor, Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics (LACL'96), pages 346--365. Springer, Berlin, 1997. [ .pdf ]
Colin Phillips. Order and Structure. PhD thesis, MIT, September 1996. [ .ps ]
Yanhong Annie Liu. Incremental Computation: A Semantics-Based Systematic Transformational Approach. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, January 1996. [ .ps ]
Jason M Eisner. An empirical comparison of probability models for dependency grammar. Technical report, Institute for Research in Cognitive Science, Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1996. [ .ps ]
Ton Dijkstra and Koenraad de Smedt, editors. Computational psycholinguistics : AI and connectionist models of human language processing. Taylor & Francis, London, 1996.
Osterhout, Lee, Mobley, and Linda A. Event-related brain potentials elicited by failure to agree. Journal of Memory and Language,, 34(Issue 6):739--773, December 1995. [ http ]
Dekang Lin. A dependency-based method for evaluating broad-coverage parsers. In IJCAI, pages 1420--1427, Montreal, Canada, 1995. [ .ps.gz ]
L. Osterhout. Event-related brain potentials as a tools for comprehending language comprehension. In C. Clifton, Lyn Frazier, and K. Rayner, editors, Perspectives on Sentence Processing,. Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ, 1994.
Maryellen C. MacDonald, Neal J. Pearlmutter, and Mark S. Seidenberg. The lexical nature of syntactic ambiguity resolution. Psychological Review, 101(4):676--703, 1994. [ .pdf ]
Maryellen C. MacDonald. Probabilistic constraints and syntactic ambiguity resolution. Language and Cognitive processes, 9:157--201, 1994. Signature R30239. [ .pdf ]
H.S. Kurtzman and M. C. MacDonald. Resolution of quantifier scope ambiguities. Cognition, 48(3):243--279, September 1993.
G. Ramalingam. Bounded Incremental Computation. PhD thesis, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, August 1993.
S. Sairam, Jeffrey Scott Vitter, and Roberto Tamassia. A complexity theoretic approach to incremental computation. Proceedings of STACS '93: the 10th Annual Symposium on TACS, 665 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, February 1993.
G. Ramalingam and Thomas Reps. A categorized bibliography on incremental computation. Conference Record of the 20th Annual ACM Symposium on POPL, pages 502--510, January 1993.
Peter Bro Miltersen, Sairam Subramanian, Jeffrey Scott Vitter, and Roberto Tamassia. Complexity models fo incremental computation. Theoretical Computer Science, pages 203--236, 1993.
Maryellen C. MacDonald. The interaction of lexical and syntactic ambiguity. Journal of Memory and Language, 32:692--715, 1993. [ .pdf ]
Richard L. Lewis. An Architecturally-based theory of Human Sentence Comprehension. PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, 1993. [ .pdf ]
T. Briscoe, J. Carroll, and A. Sanfilippo. Parser evaluation: A survey and a new proposal. In In Proceedings First Conference on Linguistic Resources, pages 447--455, Granada, 1993. [ .ps.gz ]
Arthur Michael Berman. Lower and Upper Bounds for Incremental Algorithms. PhD thesis, Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, October 1992.
L. Osterhout and P.J. Holcomb. Event-related potentials elicited by syntactic anomaly. 31:785--806, 1992.
Vincenzo Lombardo. Incremental dependency parsing. In Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 291--293, 1992. [ .pdf ]
G. Ramalingam and Thomas Reps. On the computational complexity of incremental algorithms. Technical report, Madison, Wisconsin, August 1991.
Peter Bro Miltersen. On-line reevaluation of functions. Technical report, Aarhus, Denmark, May 1991.
Patti Price, Mari Ostendorf, Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel, and C. Fong. The use of prosody in syntactic disambiguation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 90:2956--2970, 1991.
Steve P. Abney and Mark Johnson. Memory requirements and local ambiguities of parsing strategies. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 20:233--250, 1991. [ .pdf ]
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P. Steven Abney. A computatuional model of human parsing. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 18:129--144, 1989. [ .pdf ]
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Zdenek Zabokrtsky and Otakar Smrz. Arabic syntactic trees: from constituency to dependency. [ .pdf ]
Hiroshi Sakaki. Transformation of complex phrase structure into dependency structure (abstract). [ .html ]
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Jennifer E. Arnold, Thomas Wasow, Ash Asudeh, and Pete Alrenga. Avoiding attachment ambiguities: the role of constituent ordering. (submitted). [ .pdf ]

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