+ Auxiliary Levels
As it is, the cdg library can only represent all-quantified unary and
binary constraints. While the idea of allowing arbitrary constraints
has been entertained for years, off and on, this would require largish
changes to the constraint engine and might turn out to make a
constraint grammar unacceptably inefficient.
Therefore, some legitimate syntactical constraints cannot be expressed
directly as CDG constraints. The most important of these is existence,
the condition that particular words (prepositions, finite verbs) must
be accompanied by particular complement words to be grammatical. Even
the very first definition of CDG (Maruyama 1990, not available
electronically) proposed a method for circumventing this restriction:
- define two levels of representation, a syntactical and an auxiliary level
- write constraints which ensure that the syntactical argument relation is exactly mirrored on the auxiliary level
- write the existence constraint on the auxiliary level by simply postulating that the corresponding edge there must not be NIL.
This is how the trick works in our constraint language:
// define two levels
// coupling
{X:SYN, Y:SYN_SUBJ} : syn_subj_map : syn_subj : 0.0 :
X%AT%id=Y^id <-> X.label=SUBJ & X^id=Y%AT%id;
// existence
{X:SYN_SUBJ} : missing_subject : 0.001 :
X%AT%cat = finite_verb
It has been extensively used to model existence, and we reported on it in
paper on grammar
However, using this trick is a considerable burden on the grammar. It
requires multiple auxiliary levels to be defined (because one word may
take more than one complement) which have no relation at all to the
kind of representational level that a linguist would postulate. It has
proven impossible to explain the purpose and working of these levels
to any interested outsider. Finally, it is not particularly efficient
itself because it multiplies the number of variables in a given
problem by the number of auxiliary levels. Although most of the new
variables are trivially solved, others introduce artificial
(meaningless) hard constraint failures whenever a transformation step
establishes or removes a complement, effectively doubling the number
of transformation steps to get anything done.
The obvious idea is to have the parser treat these `mirror' edges
specially, automatically adjusting them whenever a complement binding
comes or goes. Apart from the fact that this is not a well-defined
operation (if a temporary solutions posits two subjects for one word,
where should the mirror edge go?), and that it would require changes
to each of the solution methods, as well as to the input language, it
has proven impractical; in practice, the coupling constraints are
not without exceptions (think about coordinated phrases), so the
task of maintaining them correctly is far too complicated to be done
to the program - it can only be done by the grammar writer.
The current trend is therefore to get rid of artificial levels and
instead bestow upon the constraint language exactly those powers that
it needs. New predicates have been introduced that transcend the
restriction to binary constraints in a controlled way. Extensive
experimenting has established that using them is at least as efficient
as using auxiliary levels while making the grammar much more
Here are two prime examples of such predicates:
- the predicate
checks whether the word specified is modified by at least one other word with the given label. Here is how to write the subject existence constraint from above:
{X:SYN} : missing_subject : 0.001 :
X%AT%cat = finite_verb
has(X%AT%id, SUBJ);
- the predicate
checks whether the word specified itself modifies another word with the given label. Here is how to postulate the German `vorfeld' condition (a main clause has only one constituent to the left of the verb):
{X/SYN/\Y/SYN} : Vorfeld : 0.1 :
X^cat = finite_verb
This also used to require an auxiliary level.
Note that each of these predicates checks features at least one edge
that the constraint does not name explicitly. It is therefore not
possible to apply a constraint which uses them to the two edges in
isolation; instead the entire syntax structure must be available for
investigation. This means that the constraints are not binary in the
strict sense, but formally restrict all edges in the analysis
The reason why this does not lead to an explosion of effort is that
they are still accessed like unary or binary constraints. The first
example constraint performs an expensive search via
, but only
on words that are actually finite verbs. The second example
constraint above is triggered by a particular configuration of two
edges, and when called, it performs a single check on one further edge
(the one above
). Therefore it is almost as cheap as a
normal binary constraint (a general ternary constraint would be called
up to n³ times, while this is called at most n² times on a structure
with n edges). The more expensive evaluation of the constraint formula
is therefore kept in check by assuring that it is only done when
actually needed (the cdg library guarantees that the logical operators
in constraint formulas are short-circuited whenever possible).
Constraints like this could be called
context-sensitive if the
expression were not so firmly entrenched to mean something quite
different. Their disadvantage is that they cannot be applied if the
entire context is not available - that is, during propagation or
normal search. The best such a solution method can do is to disregard
these constraints while working and apply them retroactively on any
complete structure that it may find. Although the constraints still
help decide between complete structures, they are not available to
guide the search toward the correct ones. Therefore, having many of
these constraints in a grammar renders the
method less
More serious is another objection: they are also unavailable during
incremental processing. Note, however, that it is unclear whether we
want them available for incremental analysis. As long as the
complement of a word is not available in the input, should we assign a
penalty for the missing word or not? The probable answer is that we
should not penalize the lack, but turn it into an expectation about
the future, similar to the
mechanism. This feature is only
concerned with where to attach a word before its parent is available;
existence constraints also make it necessary to think about where to
satisfy one's valences before one's children are available. Therefore,
incremental analysis
does need to be changed to accommodate these
more powerful constraints.