Questionnaire Study

-- KerstinFischer -- 12 Dec 2005

What you need to do:

  • Finish your questionnaire and present it to your family (over Christmas) and your friends (on New Year's Eve etc.). Try to find as many different groups of people (age, gender, occupation, education etc.) as possible.

  • Try to identify interesting tendencies on the basis of your questionnaire results.

  • Write your results up, keeping in mind that you can only report tendencies. Your report needs to contain:

    • how many questionnaires were returned
    • gender, age, occupation, cultural background etc. of your participants
    • what the results are for your own culture and how you fit into your own culture - that is, are you a prototypical member of your own culture? If not, where are differences?
    • how homogeneous is your culture?
    • did you identify some interesting tendencies regarding gender, age, occupation, cutural background etc.?

  • Hand in your report by January 10th.

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