# Simple example program for connecting to Nao and testing some services. # E.g. sets an arm angle and writes a camera image to file. Play with it to do more ... # To run this program, set the PYTHONPATH to the directory where the Aldebaran software is installed, # i.e. for the bash shell in .bashrc add a line (without "#"): # export PYTHONPATH=/informatik/isr/wtm/public/installations/naoqi-sdk-1.10.52-linux/lib/ # This should work, but if it doesn't, then try another version of the Aldebaran software via: # export PYTHONPATH=/opt/aldebaran-sdk:/opt/aldebaran-sdk/lib # Further, make sure the IP address of your Nao is set correctly, below, and Nao switched on. # Then run like: python 01_start_Nao.py # If using Webots, open within Webots a world file with Nao in it before starting this program. import naoqi import numpy import time import vision_definitions #IP = "" # Cable #IP = "" # WLAN IP = "" # Webots PORT = 9559 # move motors motProxy = naoqi.ALProxy("ALMotion", IP, PORT) fractionMaxSpeed = 0.2 # let head face to the position as when collecting data motProxy.setAngles(["HeadPitch", "HeadYaw"], [0.03, -0.261799388], fractionMaxSpeed) # set the names of the 5 arm angles jointNames = ["RElbowRoll","RElbowYaw","RShoulderPitch","RShoulderRoll","RWristYaw"] # !!! write your 5 arm angles in here: !!! jointAngles = [1.242582, 0.504644, 0.495524, -0.579894, 1.119778] # these values are as from the last image - overwrite them !!! print "moving to specified angle" # move the limbs to the specified angles motProxy.setAngles(jointNames, jointAngles, fractionMaxSpeed) print "ending movement" time.sleep(3) print "now taking picture" # now take the camera image and export it to a file "testP6.pnm" vidProxy = naoqi.ALProxy("ALVideoDevice", IP, PORT) vidProxy.setParam(vision_definitions.kCameraSelectID, 1) # 0:top camera; 1:bottom camera - does not work with the unwrapped Webots Nao as in KSERALabGrasp_tmp1/2/3.wbt # hence use: KSERALabGrasp.wbt time.sleep(1) # necessary so that the camera selection (line above) has an effect in Webots (!) # resolution: 0 = (k)QQVGA = 160x120 1 = (k)QVGA = Quarter Video Graphics Array = 320x240 2 = (k)VGA = 640x480 # colorSpace: 0 = kYuv, 9 = kYUV422, 10 = kYUV, 11 = kRGB, 12 = kHSY, 13 = kBGR # fps: 5, 10, 15, 30 eyes = vidProxy.subscribe("eyes", 2, 11, 5) # resolution,colorSpace,fps img1 = vidProxy.getImageRemote(eyes) # image is an array containing image information: # [0] : width; # [1] : height; # [2] : number of layers; # [3] : ColorSpace; # [4] : time stamp (highest 32 bits); # [5] : time stamp (lowest 32 bits); # [6] : array of size height * width * nblayers containing image data; # [7] : camera ID vidProxy.unsubscribe(eyes) img2 = tuple(map(lambda c: ord(c),img1[6])) # print "shape = ", numpy.shape(img2) width, height = 640, 480 # print "h= ", height, " w=", width, " h*w*3=", height * width *3 # extract RGB pixels imgR = numpy.zeros(height*width) for i in range(height*width): imgR[i] = img2[3*i] imgR = imgR * 255 / numpy.max(img2) imgG = numpy.zeros(height*width) for i in range(height*width): imgG[i] = img2[3*i+1] imgG = imgG * 255 / numpy.max(img2) imgB = numpy.zeros(height*width) for i in range(height*width): imgB[i] = img2[3*i+2] imgB = imgB * 255 / numpy.max(img2) # write color image with characters (8 bit) print "writing picture testP6.pnm" f = open("testP6.pnm", 'wb') f.write("P6\n") line = str(width) + " " + str(height) + "\n" f.write(line) f.write("255\n") # values range from 0 to 255 c = '' for i in range(height*width): c += chr(int(imgR[i])) + chr(int(imgG[i])) + chr(int(imgB[i])) f.write (c) f.close() exit(0) #for the real robot, thiese lines might have to be added earlier before invoking setAngles: #motProxy.stiffnessInterpolation(["HeadPitch", "HeadYaw"], 0.2, 0.2) #motProxy.stiffnessInterpolation(jointNames, 0.5, 0.2)