User Form

This is a maintenance topic, used by the Wiki administrator.

Data form definition of user topics

Name Type Size Values Tooltip message Attributes
FirstName text 40      
LastName text 40      
InstantMessaging (IM) textarea 50x4   (One account per line, if several)  
Email text 40      
HomePage text 40      
Comment textarea 50x6      

ALERT! Your form changes will only be visible in a user topic after it has been saved.

ALERT! Please keep the UserRegistration form and the user form definition in sync. When you update the user form you need to edit/save the System.NewUserTemplate (not recommended, see below). This ensures that the fields are in the right order.

A form for new users

If a new user registers, the new user page is prefilled with the contents of System.NewUserTemplate. That template also contains a user form, based on the form definition in User.UserForm.

You have created a custom user form, so you ought to use a custom 'new user' template as well. This will make your changes safe to future Foswiki upgrades.

To create your custom new user template, do this:

  • you will return here after saving

  • Or create a copy by hand:
    1. Take a copy of System.NewUserTemplate and save it to User.NewUserTemplate
    2. Set the topic form to your custom UserForm topic

Related topics: WikiUsers, PatternSkinUserViewTemplate, NewUserTemplate, UserHomepageHeader, DataForms, UserRegistration
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