Very brief curriculum vitae of Timo Baumann

Work Experience

since 1/2019
Research and teaching assistant, Universität Hamburg
Systems Scientist in the Language Technologies Institute at Carnegie Mellon University
Research and teaching assistant, Universität Hamburg
Visiting researcher, University of Texas at El Paso
1/2011 - 7/2011
Research assistant, Bielefeld University
10/2010 - 12/2010
Researcher, UP transfer GmbH, Potsdam
5/2007 - 11/2010
Research assistant, University of Potsdam
5/2009 - 9/2009
Visiting Researcher, KTH Stockholm
Intern, IBM Deutschlang Entwicklung GmbH, Böblingen
7/2004 - 10/2004
Intern, voice INTER connect GmbH, Dresden
2000 - 2001
Civilian service


10/2007 - 5/2013
Doctoral studies in Computational Linguistics, Bielefeld University, "summa cum laude", under the supervision of David Schlangen.
2004 - 2007
Graduate studies in Informatics, Universität Hamburg, final grade "sehr gut" (1.2).
9/2005 - 3/2006
Studies in Informatics, Universidad de Granada.
2003 - 2004
Studies in Informatics, Computational Linguistics and Linguistics, Université de Genève.
2001 - 2003
Undergraduate studies in Informatics, Universität Hamburg, final grade "sehr gut".
Abitur (German university entrance diploma), final grade "sehr gut" (1.2).

Grants, Awards, and External Funding

02/2014 - 01/2016
two-year PostDoc grant by Daimler-und-Benz foundation.
Körber foundation awarded me with a full sponsorship of the ACCSDS workshop through its funds for young researchers.
Hamburg University trust travel grant to present at the workshop on Feedback in Dialog (Stevenson, OR, USA).
DAAD travel grant awarded for presenting at ACL (Jeju, Korea).
University of Texas at El Paso fully financed the collaboration on prosodic language models, including my research stay in El Paso, USA.
ISCA travel grant awarded for participating at Interspeech (Brighton, UK).
5/2009 - 9/2009
DAAD short-term grant for visiting researchers for my stay in Stockholm, Sweden.
10/2005 - 3/2006
Erasmus one-semester scholarship for studying abroad in Granada, Spain.
DAAD one-year scholarship for studying abroad in Geneva, Switzerland.
Book award by the German Physical Society (DPG) which is given annualy to the top 1 % of German physics high-school graduates.
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