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Description |
Prolog1617 | | Material for the course on Logic Programming, winter term 2016/17 |
Prolog1718 | | Course material for SE3: Logikprogrammierung, WS 17/18 |
Prolog1819 | | Vorlesung Se3: Logikprogrammierung, System.WiSe 2018/19 |
Prolog1920 | | |
Prolog2021 | | Vorlesung Übung Logikrpogrammierung WS 2020 ...collaborate on |
SDS19 | | Vorlesung Sprachdialogsysteme |
SDS20 | | |
SLP16 | | Spoken Language Technology Course 2016 |
SV1112 | | ...collaborate on ...collaborate on |
SWC | | Spoken Wikipedia Corpora |
SabrinaHilger | | Homepage of Sabrina Hilger Homepage of Sabrina Hilger Homepage of Sabrina Hilger |
Sandbox | | Sandbox test area with all features enabled. ...experiment in an unrestricted hands-on web. ...experiment in an unrestricted hands-on web. |
Schnupperstudium | | Mensch Maschine Kommunikation mit gesprochener Sprache Mensch Maschine Kommunikation mit gesprochener Sprache Mensch Maschine Kommunikation mit gesprochener Sprache |
SemSDS11 | | ...collaborate on the Spoken Dialogue Systems Seminar 2011 ...collaborate on the Spoken Dialogue Systems Seminar 2011 |
SemSprachtechnologie16 | | This is the System.WikiWeb for the Seminar on Language Technology, Summer Term 2016 |
SemSprachtechnologie17 | | Seminar Sprachtechnologie SS 2017 |
Support | | Help, FAQs, Tutorials, Bugreports on the Foswiki Help, FAQs, Tutorials, Bugreports on the Foswiki Help, FAQs, Tutorials, Bugreports on the Foswiki |
System | | Discover the details, and how to start your own site with Foswiki - The Free and Open Source Wiki. |
TWiki | | NatsWiki System Managing System.NatsWiki System Managing System.NatsWiki System Managing |
User | | Home of all System.NatsWeb users and groups ... home of all NatsWeb users ... home of all NatsWeb users |
User.ArneKoehn | | |
User.ChristineKoehn | | |
User.NielsBeuck | | |
User.TimoBaumann | | Natural Language Systems, Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg |
VGS0607 | | Proseminar "Verarbeitung gesprochener Sprache", Wintersemester 2006/2007 Proseminar "Verarbeitung gesprochener Sprache", Wintersemester 2006/2007 Proseminar "Verarbeitung gesprochener Sprache", Wintersemester 2006/2007 |
VGS1213 | | ...collaborate on speech. ...collaborate on speech. |
VGS15 | | Proseminar Verarbeitung gesprochener Sprache 2015 |
VGS19 | | |
VGS20 | | |
WS18 | | Web for the Proseminar wissenschaftliches Schreiben, SS 2018 |
WS19 | | Proseminar Wissenschaftliches SChreiben Sommersemester 2019 |
WS2020 | | Proseminar Wissenschaftliches Schreiben System.SoSe 2020 |