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AAU2016Home of AAU2016 webSearch AAU2016 webRecent changes in the AAU2016 webGet notified of changes to the AAU2016 webPreferences of AAU2016 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsMaterial for the course on Natural Language Processing at Addis Ababa University, September 2016
AAU2018Home of AAU2018 webSearch AAU2018 webRecent changes in the AAU2018 webGet notified of changes to the AAU2018 webPreferences of AAU2018 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsNatural Language Processing (AAU)
ACCSDSHome of ACCSDS webSearch ACCSDS webRecent changes in the ACCSDS webGet notified of changes to the ACCSDS webPreferences of ACCSDS webStatistics of ACCSDS webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topics Workshop on Architectures for Conversationally Competent Spoken Dialogue Systems Workshop on Architectures for Conversationally Competent Spoken Dialogue Systems
ASN13Home of ASN13 webSearch ASN13 webRecent changes in the ASN13 webGet notified of changes to the ASN13 webPreferences of ASN13 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topics
Addis2022Home of Addis2022 webSearch Addis2022 webRecent changes in the Addis2022 webGet notified of changes to the Addis2022 webPreferences of Addis2022 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topics
Addis2023Home of Addis2023 webSearch Addis2023 webRecent changes in the Addis2023 webGet notified of changes to the Addis2023 webPreferences of Addis2023 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsThis is the Web page of the CIT 831 course at AAU 2023
CDGHome of CDG webSearch CDG webRecent changes in the CDG webGet notified of changes to the CDG webPreferences of CDG webStatistics of CDG webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsConstraint Dependency Grammar Constraint Dependency Grammar Constraint Dependency Grammar
CLHome of CL webSearch CL webRecent changes in the CL webGet notified of changes to the CL webPreferences of CL webStatistics of CL webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsIntegriertes Anwendungsfach "Computerlinguistik" Integriertes Anwendungsfach "Computerlinguistik" Integriertes Anwendungsfach "Computerlinguistik"
CinacsJCHome of System.CinacsJC webSearch System.CinacsJC webRecent changes in the System.CinacsJC webGet notified of changes to the System.CinacsJC webPreferences of System.CinacsJC webStatistics of System.CinacsJC webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsCinacs Journal Club ...collaborate on Excellence in Research ...collaborate on Excellence in Research
CristinaVertanHome of System.CristinaVertan webSearch System.CristinaVertan webRecent changes in the System.CristinaVertan webGet notified of changes to the System.CristinaVertan webPreferences of System.CristinaVertan webStatistics of System.CristinaVertan webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsHomepage of System.CristinaVertan Homepage of System.CristinaVertan Homepage of CristinaVertan
CrossLingIRHome of System.CrossLingIR webSearch System.CrossLingIR webRecent changes in the System.CrossLingIR webGet notified of changes to the System.CrossLingIR webPreferences of System.CrossLingIR webStatistics of System.CrossLingIR webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsHauptstudiumsprojekt "Crosslingual Retrieval in WWW", Wintersemester 2006/2007 Hauptstudiumsprojekt "Crosslingual Retrieval in WWW", Wintersemester 2006/2007 Hauptstudiumsprojekt "Crosslingual Retrieval in WWW", Wintersemester 2006/2007
CxGHome of System.CxG webSearch System.CxG webRecent changes in the System.CxG webGet notified of changes to the System.CxG webPreferences of System.CxG webStatistics of System.CxG webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsConstruction Grammar in Germany Construction Grammar in Germany Construction Grammar in Germany
DIALSYSHome of DIALSYS webSearch DIALSYS webRecent changes in the DIALSYS webGet notified of changes to the DIALSYS webPreferences of DIALSYS webStatistics of DIALSYS webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsHauptstudiumsprojekt "Sprachdialogsysteme: Design, Implementation und Evaluation", Sommersemester 2006 Hauptstudiumsprojekt "Sprachdialogsysteme: Design, Implementation und Evaluation", Sommersemester 2006 Hauptstudiumsprojekt "Sprachdialogsysteme: Design, Implementation und Evaluation", Sommersemester 2006
DataM10Home of System.DataM10 webSearch System.DataM10 webRecent changes in the System.DataM10 webGet notified of changes to the System.DataM10 webPreferences of System.DataM10 webStatistics of System.DataM10 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsData Mining SS2010 Data Mining SS2010 Data Mining SS2010
DevTools15Home of System.DevTools15 webSearch System.DevTools15 webRecent changes in the System.DevTools15 webGet notified of changes to the System.DevTools15 webPreferences of System.DevTools15 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsProseminar Moderne Hilfsmittel der Softwareentwicklung
DialogSysHome of System.DialogSys webSearch System.DialogSys webRecent changes in the System.DialogSys webGet notified of changes to the System.DialogSys webPreferences of System.DialogSys webStatistics of System.DialogSys webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsSeminar "Dialogsysteme", Wintersemester 2006/2007 Seminar "Dialogsysteme", Wintersemester 2006/2007 Seminar "Dialogsysteme", Wintersemester 2006/2007
EAMT08Home of EAMT08 webSearch EAMT08 webRecent changes in the EAMT08 webGet notified of changes to the EAMT08 webPreferences of EAMT08 webStatistics of EAMT08 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsEuropean Machine Translation Summit European Machine Translation Summit European Machine Translation Summit
ELSNET06Home of ELSNET06 webSearch ELSNET06 webRecent changes in the ELSNET06 webGet notified of changes to the ELSNET06 webPreferences of ELSNET06 webStatistics of ELSNET06 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsThe 12th ELSNET European Summer School on Language and Speech Communication The 12th ELSNET European Summer School on Language and Speech Communication The 12th ELSNET European Summer School on Language and Speech Communication
ErasmusHome of Erasmus webSearch Erasmus webRecent changes in the Erasmus webGet notified of changes to the Erasmus webPreferences of Erasmus webStatistics of Erasmus webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsIntercambio con la Universidad de Granada, Austausch mit der Universität Granada Intercambio con la Universidad de Granada, Austausch mit der Universität Granada Intercambio con la Universidad de Granada, Austausch mit der Universität Granada
GWV1415Home of GWV1415 webSearch GWV1415 webRecent changes in the GWV1415 webGet notified of changes to the GWV1415 webPreferences of GWV1415 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsGWV System.WiSe 14/15
GWV1516Home of GWV1516 webSearch GWV1516 webRecent changes in the GWV1516 webGet notified of changes to the GWV1516 webPreferences of GWV1516 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsGrundlagen der Wissensverarbeitung
GWV1617Home of GWV1617 webSearch GWV1617 webRecent changes in the GWV1617 webGet notified of changes to the GWV1617 webPreferences of GWV1617 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsTeaching material for the course Grundlagen der Wissensverarbeitung
GWV1718Home of GWV1718 webSearch GWV1718 webRecent changes in the GWV1718 webGet notified of changes to the GWV1718 webPreferences of GWV1718 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topics
GWV1819Home of GWV1819 webSearch GWV1819 webRecent changes in the GWV1819 webGet notified of changes to the GWV1819 webPreferences of GWV1819 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topics
GWV1920Home of GWV1920 webSearch GWV1920 webRecent changes in the GWV1920 webGet notified of changes to the GWV1920 webPreferences of GWV1920 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsModul Grundlagen der Wissensverarbeitung (GWV) System.WiSe 2019/2020
HDTHome of HDT webSearch HDT webRecent changes in the HDT webGet notified of changes to the HDT webPreferences of HDT webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsHamburd Dependency Treebank
INCOMHome of INCOM webSearch INCOM webRecent changes in the INCOM webGet notified of changes to the INCOM webPreferences of INCOM webStatistics of INCOM webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsInputkorrektur durch Constraints und Markups - Explorative Lernumgebungen für die Softwareentwicklung - Inputkorrektur durch Constraints und Markups Inputkorrektur durch Constraints und Markups
ITeachHome of ITeach webSearch ITeach webRecent changes in the ITeach webGet notified of changes to the ITeach webPreferences of ITeach webStatistics of ITeach webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsLeonardo da Vinci - Projekt Leonardo da Vinci - Projekt Leonardo da Vinci - Projekt
LSP07Home of LSP07 webSearch LSP07 webRecent changes in the LSP07 webGet notified of changes to the LSP07 webPreferences of LSP07 webStatistics of LSP07 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsXVIth European Symposium on Language for Special Purposes XVIth European Symposium on Language for Special Purposes XVIth European Symposium on Language for Special Purposes
MCSPHome of MCSP webSearch MCSP webRecent changes in the MCSP webGet notified of changes to the MCSP webPreferences of MCSP webStatistics of MCSP webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsInternational Msc. in Computational linguistics and Speech Processing International Msc. in Computational linguistics and Speech Processing International Msc. in Computational linguistics and Speech Processing
MT05Home of MT05 webSearch MT05 webRecent changes in the MT05 webGet notified of changes to the MT05 webPreferences of MT05 webStatistics of MT05 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsHauptstudiumsprojekt "Maschinelle Übersetzung", Wintersemester 2005/2006 Hauptstudiumsprojekt "Maschinelle Übersetzung", Wintersemester 2005/2006 Hauptstudiumsprojekt "Maschinelle Übersetzung", Wintersemester 2005/2006
MainHome of Main webSearch Main webRecent changes in the Main webGet notified of changes to the Main webPreferences of Main webStatistics of Main webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsNatural Language Systems Division Natural Language Systems, Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg Natural Language Systems, Department of Informatics, University of Hamburg
MichaelDaumHome of System.MichaelDaum webSearch System.MichaelDaum webRecent changes in the System.MichaelDaum webGet notified of changes to the System.MichaelDaum webPreferences of System.MichaelDaum webStatistics of System.MichaelDaum webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsHomepage of Michael Daum Homepage of Michael Daum Homepage of Michael Daum
OberseminarHome of Oberseminar webSearch Oberseminar webRecent changes in the Oberseminar webGet notified of changes to the Oberseminar webPreferences of Oberseminar webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsResults of Current Research and Student Projects
PIPLMHome of PIPLM webSearch PIPLM webRecent changes in the PIPLM webGet notified of changes to the PIPLM webPreferences of PIPLM webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsCompanion Site for the paper "Predictive Incremental Parsing Helps Language Modeling"
PROLIVHome of PROLIV webSearch PROLIV webRecent changes in the PROLIV webGet notified of changes to the PROLIV webPreferences of PROLIV webStatistics of PROLIV webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsProjekt "Animierte PROzessmodelle komplexer (computer-) LInguistischer Verfahren und Theorien" Projekt "Animierte PROzessmodelle komplexer (computer-) LInguistischer Verfahren und Theorien" Projekt "Animierte PROzessmodelle komplexer (computer-) LInguistischer Verfahren und Theorien"
Praktikum10Home of Praktikum10 webSearch Praktikum10 webRecent changes in the Praktikum10 webGet notified of changes to the Praktikum10 webPreferences of Praktikum10 webStatistics of Praktikum10 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsPraktikum Logikprogrammierung 2010 Praktikum Logikprogrammierung 2010 Praktikum Logikprogrammierung 2010
Praktikum11Home of Praktikum11 webSearch Praktikum11 webRecent changes in the Praktikum11 webGet notified of changes to the Praktikum11 webPreferences of Praktikum11 webStatistics of Praktikum11 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topics Praktikum Logikprogrammierung 2011 Praktikum Logikprogrammierung 2011
Praktikum12Home of Praktikum12 webSearch Praktikum12 webRecent changes in the Praktikum12 webGet notified of changes to the Praktikum12 webPreferences of Praktikum12 webStatistics of Praktikum12 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topics Praktikum Logikprogrammierung 2012 Praktikum Logikprogrammierung 2012
Praktikum13Home of Praktikum13 webSearch Praktikum13 webRecent changes in the Praktikum13 webGet notified of changes to the Praktikum13 webPreferences of Praktikum13 webStatistics of Praktikum13 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topics ...collaborate on ...collaborate on
ProLangTech17Home of System.ProLangTech17 webSearch System.ProLangTech17 webRecent changes in the System.ProLangTech17 webGet notified of changes to the System.ProLangTech17 webPreferences of System.ProLangTech17 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topics
ProST17Home of System.ProST17 webSearch System.ProST17 webRecent changes in the System.ProST17 webGet notified of changes to the System.ProST17 webPreferences of System.ProST17 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsProjekt Sprachtechnologie SS 2017
ProST18Home of System.ProST18 webSearch System.ProST18 webRecent changes in the System.ProST18 webGet notified of changes to the System.ProST18 webPreferences of System.ProST18 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topics
ProSub1415Home of System.ProSub1415 webSearch System.ProSub1415 webRecent changes in the System.ProSub1415 webGet notified of changes to the System.ProSub1415 webPreferences of System.ProSub1415 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsProject on Subtitle Alignment
ProSub16Home of System.ProSub16 webSearch System.ProSub16 webRecent changes in the System.ProSub16 webGet notified of changes to the System.ProSub16 webPreferences of System.ProSub16 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsProject on Subtitling 2016
Prolog0910Home of Prolog0910 webSearch Prolog0910 webRecent changes in the Prolog0910 webGet notified of changes to the Prolog0910 webPreferences of Prolog0910 webStatistics of Prolog0910 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topics Softwareentwicklung III Softwareentwicklung III
Prolog1011Home of Prolog1011 webSearch Prolog1011 webRecent changes in the Prolog1011 webGet notified of changes to the Prolog1011 webPreferences of Prolog1011 webStatistics of Prolog1011 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsSEIII Logikprogrammierung Logikprogrammierung
Prolog1112Home of Prolog1112 webSearch Prolog1112 webRecent changes in the Prolog1112 webGet notified of changes to the Prolog1112 webPreferences of Prolog1112 webStatistics of Prolog1112 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topics ...collaborate on ...collaborate on
Prolog1415Home of Prolog1415 webSearch Prolog1415 webRecent changes in the Prolog1415 webGet notified of changes to the Prolog1415 webPreferences of Prolog1415 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topics
Prolog1516Home of Prolog1516 webSearch Prolog1516 webRecent changes in the Prolog1516 webGet notified of changes to the Prolog1516 webPreferences of Prolog1516 webBullet list of all topicsIndex of all topicsSE-3 Logikprogrammierung
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