Foswiki Registration
To edit pages on the Foswiki, you must have a registered user name and password.
If you are already registered but you want to be added to another
TWikiGroup, contact the
maintainer of this group.
NOTE: After registration your personal
NatsWiki topic using your
WikiName as topic name will be created and filled with the data you submitted -
including your e-mail. You have full control of the visibility of your personal data - just edit your personal page.
To register as a new user, simply fill out this form:
Group Descriptions
- AlgLernGroup: Algorithmisches Lernen
- CoLingGroup: Computerlinguistik 2
- CrossLingIRGroup: Hauptstudiumsprojekt "Crosslingual Retrieval in WWW", Wintersemester 2006/2007
- CxGGroup: Construction Grammar in Germany
- ErasmusGroup: Intercambio con la Universidad de Granada, Austausch mit der Universität Granada
- DataGroup: Seminar Data Mining
- DisGroup: Grundlagenvorlesung "Datenbanken und Informationssysteme"
- DialSysGroup: Hauptstudiumsprojekt "Sprachdialogsysteme: Design, Implementation und Evaluation", Sommersemester 2006
- DokManGroup: Projekt Dokumentenmanagement
- DokGroup: Projekt Dokumentenmanagement 2008/2009
- EamT08Group: European Machine Translation Summit
- InfoGroup: Informationsextraktion aus Texten
- INCOMGroup: Inputkorrektur durch Constraints und Markups - Explorative Lernumgebungen für die Softwareentwicklung -
- MachineTranslation07Group: Maschinelle Übersetzung
- NatsGroup: employees of the Natural Language Systems Group
- PapaGroup: Partial Parsing with Weighted Constraints (closed)
- PraktikumL09Group: Praktikum Logikprogrammierung 2009
- ProlivGroup: Projekt "Animierte PROzessmodelle komplexer (computer-) LInguistischer Verfahren und Theorien" Studienkommission
- PrologGroup: Vorlesung "Logikprogrammierung", Wintersemester 2006/2007
- StukoGroup: Studienkommission
- VgsGroup: Proseminar "Verarbeitung gesprochener Sprache", Wintersemester 2006/2007
- WmGroup: Proseminar Wissensmanagement
- Other: Well, if you deprecate the above groups you should at least comment on your interest to register.
Submitting the form will automatically:
- Create an account for you, so that you can start editing pages using your WikiName.
- Create your personal Foswiki topic using your WikiName as topic name, and add the data you submitted to the topic.
- Add your name to the list of users in the WikiUsers topic in the Foswiki.User web.
- Send you a confirmation of your registration by email.
- Forward your group registration to the group maintainer.
- Store a session-cookie into your browser. This happens each time you logon to NatsWiki. So please enable cookies in your browser!!!
Submitting the form will not automatically:
- assign you to the primary group that you've chosen. You will be assigned to the primary group as soon as your registration has been checked by the group maintainer. If you want to participate in secondary group contact the maintainer of that group (see TWikiGroups).
Once registered you can login using your
WikiName and password.
If you have any questions about registration, send an email to