The Smilies Plugin

This plugin replaces the smilies used in topics with nice small icons, as the Ultimate Bulletin Board ( Infopop Corporation at ) does. From their FAQ :

You've probably seen others use smilies before in email messages or other bulletin board posts. Smilies are keyboard characters used to convey an emotion, such as a smile :) or a frown :(. This bulletin board automatically converts certain smilies to a graphical representation. For example, if you type :o in your BB post, it will automatically be converted to - a shameful face.

Here is the list of smilies supported by this plugin. To add others attach new icons to this topic and tweak the table below.

You type You see Emotion
:-) smile.gif "smile"
:) smile.gif "smile"
:> cool.gif "cool!"
:( frown.gif "frown"
:-( frown.gif "frown"
:o redface.gif "embarrassment"
:D biggrin.gif "big grin"
;) wink.gif "wink"
;-) wink.gif "wink"
:p tongue.gif "razz (stick out tongue)"
:-? confused.gif "confused"
:rolleyes: rolleyes.gif "roll eyes (sarcastic)"
:mad: mad.gif "mad!"
:eek: eek.gif "eek!"
:confused: confused.gif "confused"
:happy: happy.gif "happy"
:)) happy.gif "happy"
:-)) happy.gif "happy"
:! indifferent.gif "indifferent"
:-! indifferent.gif "indifferent"
:/ ohwell.gif "ohwell"
:-/ ohwell.gif "ohwell"
:pimp: pimp.gif "pimp"
:alien: alien.gif "alien"
:ingo: blush2.gif "ingo"
:tip: tip.gif "tip"
:new: new.png "new"
:update: update.png "update"
:cool: cool.gif "cool!"
:rocker: rocker.gif "rocking"


  • unzip the file in the twiki installation directory.
  • In TWikiPreferences or WebPreferences, add TWiki.SmiliesPlugin to the ACTIVEPLUGINS variable.

If the plugin is correctly installed you will see a series of icons on next line:

Test: smile smile frown embarrassment big grin wink stick out tongue roll eyes (sarcastic) mad eek! :-? :> :)) :! :/ :pimp: :alien: :ingo: :tip: :new: :update:

This is a smile wink in the middle of some text.

All Simlies
Name Image
alien alien.gif
angry angry.gif
angry2 angry2.gif
b b.gif
biggrin biggrin.gif
blush2 blush2.gif
confused confused.gif
cool cool.gif
cool2 cool2.gif
devil devil.gif
devilish devilish.gif
drunk drunk.gif
eek eek.gif
eek2 eek2.gif
embarassed embarassed.gif
eyes eyes.gif
frown frown.gif
frown2 frown2.gif
glasses glasses.gif
grin grin.gif
happy happy.gif
indifferent indifferent.gif
laugh laugh.gif
mad mad.gif
mad2 mad2.gif
nerd nerd.gif
ohwell ohwell.gif
pimp pimp.gif
redface redface.gif
roll roll.gif
rolleyes rolleyes.gif
sad sad.gif
sad2 sad2.gif
shock2 shock2.gif
sick sick.gif
smile smile.gif
smile1 smile1.gif
smokin smokin.gif
tired tired.gif
tongue tongue.gif
tongue1 tongue1.gif
wink wink.gif
wink1 wink1.gif
wink2 wink2.gif

-- AndreaSterbini - 28 Dec 2000




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