TABPANE{...} -- tabpane widget

  • This macro starts the tabpane, containing a series of TAB...ENDTABs and ends with ENDTABPANE. A complete tabpane normally looks like this:
     %TAB{"tab 1"}%
     %TAB{"tab 2"}%
    Multiple tabpanes can be nested using the following scheme:
     %TAB{"tab 1"}%
         %TAB{"tab 1.1"}%
     %TAB{"tab 2"}%
  • Example: see JQueryTabpane for more examples
  • Parameters:
    Parameter: Description: Default:
    select number or id of tab to select 1
    automaxexpand resizes the tabpane to the maximum height to fit into the window off
    minheight when automaxexpand is enabled, this is the minimum size a tab is allowed to be resized 230
    class extra class: use simple for a non-3D tabpane  
    animate (on/off) enables/disables animation of switching tabs off
  • Related: VarTAB, VarENDTAB, VarENDTABPANE, JQueryPlugin, JQueryTabpane

-- TimoBaumann - 12 Oct 2015

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