How do I get rid of my print jobs? I've sent a job to a printer but now I have no permissions to remove it from the printer queue any more. Why does'nt that work from one of the machines at nats?


Part I: workarround

short: Login to an RZ account and remove the job from one of their machines.

long: Do the following steps:
  1. login to an RZ machine
         prompt$ ssh user@rzdspc2          (replace user with your own account) 
         user@rzdspc2's password:          (type in your password)
  2. check the printer queue of the printer in room F-232
         rzdspc2% lpq -P f232_hp2
         Printer: f232_hp2@rzdspc0 'f232_hp2 HP LaserJet 4100DTN (F232)'
         Rank    Owner/ID                  Class Job Files                 Size Time
         active  user@...                    A   123 myfile.pdf            ...  ...
  3. pick the job number from the output (here myfile.pdf has job-nr. 123)
  4. remove the job
         rzdspc2% lprm -P f232_hp2 123

Part II: Explanation (a guess)

The lprm command tries to check if you are allowed to remove a job but it hasn't got the right information to do that. A print job might be forwarded over a series of queues until it arrives at the one which is connected to the physical printer. So my guess is that it loses the right information and adds the wrong one (user+host of the original lpr command?).

Back to: PrintingFAQ

-- MichaelDaum -- 17 Sep 2003

This topic: Support > Nats > NatsFAQs > PrintingFAQ > CantRemovePrintJob
Topic revision: 17 Oct 2012, UnknownUser
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