Software Pakete


Paket Einsatzgebiet Kommentar
ISIP Toolkit Speech recognition  
Praat Aufnahme  
Ears Toolkit Single word recognition mit Quellcode, inkl. DTW-Implementierung
HMM Toolkit HMM + Baum-Welch-Training mit Quellcode zum Lernen
XVoice Speech recognition mit Quellcode; benutzt ViaVoice
VISPER Speech recognition Lernumgebung; Windows only


  • Ears Toolkit - "The EARS package is intended as a limited ready-to-use single word recognizer for Linux systems." (Alpha-Version; inkl. DTW-Algorithmus und Implementations-Doku)

  • HMM Toolkit - "This code implements in C++ a basic left-right hidden Markov model and corresponding Baum-Welch (ML) training algorithm. It is meant as an example of the HMM algorithms described by L.Rabiner and others."

  • XVoice - "XVoice is a dictation/continuous speech recognizer that can be used with a variety of XWindow applications. It allows user-defined macros. This is a fine program with a definite future. Once setup, it performs with adequate accuracy."

  • VISPER - Visual Speech Recognition System: Experimental speech processing workbench for educational purposes; focus on visualization (drawback: Windows only)

-- DavidDannberg -- 03 Apr 2004
Warning: Can't find topic SpeakerId.WebLeftBarExample

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