Resource Description Framework

Specifications & Administrativia


  • The Redland RDF Application Framework developed at UBristol. Quite close to HP labs. Redland provides RDF tools written in C, and various language bindings. Building requires either libxml or libxmltok (i.e. expat). Personally, I couldn't get it to work with expat. LGPL or BSD-style license
  • Jena version 2 `A Semantic Web Framework' written in Java by HP labs Bristol. BSD-style License.
  • Welkin is an RDF visualization tool built by MIT and HP labs at project Simile. BSD-style license. and

Applications of RDF

  • RichSiteSummary in various incarnations, some RDF some pure XML is probably the most widely used RDF application on the web.


Warning: Can't find topic SemanticWeb04.WebLeftBarExample

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