

Thanks for your interest in participating in the listening test. The overall test will roughly take 40 minutes. Please take the time and carefully rate every item.

Please do only participate in this test if you have good German listening skills and do not have any uncorrected hearing problems.

  • Please take the test in a low-noise environment, ideally with high quality head-phones.
  • Rate the speech quality of the test items compared to each other.
    • In particular, please pay attention to speech melody, naturalness and speech quality of the test items;
    • the audio quality (noise, etc.) should only be a secondary criterion, please focus on the speaker, not the recording conditions.
  • Please differentiate your ratings between items, even when you notice only small differences (there are differences).
  • You can play each item and the reference as often as you want, until you feel certain about your ratings.
  • Try to rate the overall impression of a test item and don't concentrate on single aspects.

Thank you very much!

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Please submit the results to our server. Entering a name or email address is not mandatory but it would help us to contact you if we have further questions and to inform you about our research results once they are published. We will not use your information for any other purposes than this research. You can also leave a comment.

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