PROLIV - Overview and Main Goals

The PROLIV project should increase, through efficient learning-oriented information, the readiness of
  • the humanist scientists for the use of complex formal methods, and of
  • the computer specialists for the humanist facts and interpretations.

The technical main-goal of the PROLIV project is the development of interactive multimedia tools mainly for consolidation of first-years courses in (computer) linguistics and literary computing, and the integration of such tools and of the corresponding e-Learning contents into a homogeneous surface, within "WebCT".

The platform-independent project is focused on such methods, that
  • on the one hand, are based on very actual linguistic, mathematical or computer science theories, and
  • are not easily understood by first-year students (by themselves), through text representation,
  • however, are important for the study.

Therefore, the following methods will be implemented in the PROLIV tools:
  • Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA)
  • Lexicon encodings and formats
  • Question modelling
New modules were added:
  • Topic - Focus
  • Hidden Markov Models
The tools will be connected in a platform-independent, homogeneous surface, in which one can attach further similar tools. There can also be integrated already-existing eLearning-courses. Each visual process of the tools will be accompanied by detailed theoretical explanations.

The environment, as well as a single tool, will be used in courses (and/or seminars), and this way tested and evaluated.
Deutsch German

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