+ Mediated Communication

-- KerstinFischer - 06 May 2003

As much as communication is influenced by the medium internet in on-line communication, it can be influenced by other media as well. These may be media that we are already very much acquainted with, such as the telephone, or new media, such as SMSes, video-conferences, or shared work spaces.

This topic will be prepared and presented to us by Maren and Marina.


Ian Hutchby (2002): Conversation and Technology. Polity Press.

Schwitala, Johannes (1996): Telefonprobleme. (Leidvolle) Erfahrungen mit einem neuen Medium. Seitschrift f"ur germanistische Linguistik 24: 135-152.

Sellen, Abigail J. (1995): Remote Conversations: The Effects of Mediating Talk with Technology. Human-Computer Interaction 10: 401-444.

Meier, Christoph (2001): Virtuelle Teamarbeitsr"aume im WWW. In: Wirtschaftspsychologie 4: 78-83.

Crystal, David (2001): Language and the Internet. Cambridge University Press.
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