Oberseminar am 03.11.2015: BSc Kolloquium * Titel: Better accuracy of automatic lecture transcriptions by using context information from slide contents * Vortragender ...
Sven Alisch Studie zum pa #776;dagogischen Mehrwert eines kontextorientierten Unterrichtskonzepts zur Mensch Maschine Kommunikation mit gesprochener Sprache Diese ...
Xavier Hinaut Language Acquisition using Echo State Networks Oberseminar NatS, 17.11.2015 Primates can learn complex sequences that can be represented in the form ...
What’s in an Embedding? Analyzing Word Embeddings through Multilingual Evaluation In this presentation, I wil primarily talk about the results of my paper (with the ...
Fluent multimodal behavior realization for virtual humans Abstract: Human conversations are highly dynamic, responsive interactions. In such interactions, utterances ...
Susanne Jekat (Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften) Barrierefreie Kommunikation und Computerlinguistik In der Barrierefreien Kommunikation werden vielfach ...
The website for the seminar moved to https://www.inf.uni hamburg.de/en/inst/ab/lt/teaching/oberseminar.html * Tuesday 12:15 13:45 during the lecture period in ...