Intelligent Adaptive e-Learning System


E-Learning was identified as one of the emerging areas in the last few years. "Adaptive and intelligent Web-based educational systems (AIWBES) provide an alternative to the traditional "just-put-it-on-the-Web" approach in the development of Web-based educational courseware" (Brusilovsky & Miller, 2001). Nearly no fully adaptive systems are available at the market. In order to satisfy the increasing user interest and demands of e-Learning systems, it is necessary to ease the process of development of such kind of systems. One possible step towards is to automate the knowledge acquisition and the testing of a user comprehension.

The main goal of the project I A e L S (Intelligent Adaptive e-Learning System) is to create a prototype and to implement the main modules of an e-Learning system with some intelligent and adaptive features on human computer interactions.

The main aims of the system are to provide more flexible course delivery in different modes, to provide and support personalized learning in different levels, to facilitate the process of knowledge base creation, to support multilingual courses, and to apply automatic knowledge acquisition. The designed system is based on Learning objects and is domain independent in order to be able to be used as a platform for delivering different courses.

-- GavrilaMonica -- 12 Jun 2006
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