Multilingual Tourist Planner - an Intelligent Natural Language Interface based on Information extraction methods
Ciprian Gheorghe
The general purpose of Natural Language Interface is to facilitate human-computer interaction. Because of advantages like flexibility and no tranning in using, thise type of interface tend to be an important component of future applications. In generating an answer NLI makes use of Information Extraction methods, in order to discover relevant information. The process of extractig can be described as filling predefined patterns.
The particular scenario used is a toursit planner, which can be described as an application that accepts question formulated in English, German or Romanian . Domains of interest are: sport, culture and travel. For the application we use a "pattern -oriented" model. The processes of : building, validating as "known by the application" and aswering, to the input qustion, lay upon procedures that use patterns. The presentation aims to describe the internal mechanisms used in the above processes.