UHH>Informatik>NatS>Main Web>NatsLogos (17 Oct 2012, UnknownUser) Print version

Nats Logos

These are the official NatsLogos. This set of logos offers different versions depending on the intended usage. Here's the gimp source attached which these logos where made from. So feel free to improve and extend the NatsLogos-Set, but be aware of the current CI.

Full Version

NatsLogoPage.gif NatsLogoPageGray.gif

Reduced Version

NatsLogoBlue.gif NatsLogoGray.gif

Printerfriendly Version

NatsLogoGrayNoShadow.gif NatsLogoGrayNoShadowMedium.gif NatsLogoGrayNoShadowSmall.gif
NatsLogoNoShadow.gif NatsLogoNoShadowMedium.gif NatsLogoNoShadowSmall.gif

Hampster Version

NatsLogoHampsterPage.gif <img src="/pub/Main/NatsLogos/NatsLogoHampster.gif" alt="NatsLogoHampster.gif"
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