Downloadable Software at the Natural Language Systems Division

CDG: download the Constraint Dependency Grammar parser suite

Here you will find code released within the Partial Parsing Project, released under the Gnu Public License. The CDG package contains among other things:
  • the CDG commandline parser: cdgp
  • the graphical user interface and annotation tool: xcdg
  • a broad coverage constraint dependency grammar for German: deutsch.cdg
  • the Depdendency Synthesizer: depsy
  • the depsy plugins for the NEGRA and the WSJ corpus:,
  • the CDG data analyzer: yada
  • and the CDG Corpus Collection tools: ccc
CDG Logo

ISLE: download the ISLE Demonstrator

This demonstration package shows the basic features of the ISLE software: recognition of accented learner speech, localization of potential areas, and diagnosis of those errors at a very specific level. Although the methods used in the ISLE demonstrator are theoretically applicable to any language pairs, only German and Italian learners of English are targeted by this software.

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