Managelex References


Cristina Vertan, Walther von Hahn, and Monica Gavrila. Managelex – a tool for the management of complex lexical structures. In Exchange of Lexical and Terminological Resources in Machine Translation (MT), Computer-Aided Translation (CAT) and Terminology Management Systems (TMS) Workshop Proceedings, Koethen, Germany, October 2005. TO BE PUBLISHED.
Monica Gavrila and Cristina Vertan. Managelex and the semantic web. In IJCNLP-05 Proceedings, OntoLex-Ontologies and Lexical Resources Workshop, Jeju, South Korea, October 2005.
Monica Gavrila. Lexmod and lextool: a lexical model, acquisition and editing in managelex. Diploma Thesis, R36887, 2004. Hamburg University.
Monica Gavrila. A software tool for lexical acquisition. In Student Workshop Proceedings, Bericht 254, pages 27--32, Bucharest, Romania, July 2003. Applied Natural Language Processing - possible applications for the Semantic Web - International EUROLAN Summer School.
Monica Gavrila. A software tool for lexical acquisition. Diploma Thesis, 2003. Bucharest University.
Cristina Vertan and Walther von Hahn. Towards a generic architecture for lexicon management. In Proceedings of the Workshop “International Standards of Terminology and Language Resources Management”, pages 45--48, Las Palmas, May 2002. LREC.
Cristina Vertan. Lexicon transformation and maintenance – the architecture of managelex project. In Worksop meeting”, Granada, 2002.

-- GavrilaMonica -- 26 Aug 2005
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