Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg - University Library - The University library is the information centre of research,teaching and learning.The library is also available to the public. ADRESS: Holstenhofweg 85, D-22043 Hamburg Postfach 70 08 22, D-22008 Hamburg (als Großkunde) D-22039 Hamburg Telefax: (+49 40) 6541-2784 Telef.: (+49 40) 6541-2626 (Auskunft) / -2181 (Geschäftszimmer) E-Mail: biblioKEINSPAMhsu-bibliothek.de http://www.hsu-bibliothek.de |
Hamburgisches Welt-Wirtschafts-Archiv (HWWA) The Hamburg institut of international economy and media documentation of the HWWA, belong to the biggest art installations in Europe. ADRESS: Neuer Jungfernstieg 21 D-20347 Hamburg Telef: (040) 428 34 - 0 Telefax: 428 34 - 451 Email: hwwaKEINSPAMhwwa.de http://www.hwwa.de/ Lending 040 / 428 34 220 E-Mail: bib.ausleiheKEINSPAMhwwa.de Library information 040 / 428 34 219 E-Mail: bib.auskunftKEINSPAMhwwa.de |
Hamburger Öffentliche Bücherhallen
Central library The HÖB are for everybody, the media and information specialists under the Hamburg libraries. More than 4,2 Mill. visitors borrow every year more than 9 Mill. media. ADRESS: Hühnerposten 1 (Entrance: Arno Schmidt-Platz) 20097 Hamburg Telef.:040 42 606 215 Telefax:040 42 606 216 E-mail:zentralbibliothekKEINSPAMbuecherhallen.de http://www.buecherhallen.de/ |
Fachbibliotheken der Hochschule für Angewandte
Wissenschaften Hamburg In the Fachhoschule library you can find around 250.000 media( books,magazines, AV-Media, electronic media), our materials can be searched in our online-Katalog. ADRESS: Fachbibliothek TWI 1 Berliner Tor 5, 20099 Hamburg Tel.: +49.40.428 75-3681 [Prolongations + Questions about loans] Tel.: +49.40.428 75-3685 [Library information] Fax: +49.40.428 75 3682 E-Mail: fachbib.twi(at)haw-hamburg.de Fachbibliothek TWI 2 Berliner Tor 7, 20099 Hamburg Tel.: +49.40.428 75-3667 [Prolongations + Questions about loans] Tel.: +49.40.428 75-3687 [Library information] Fax: +49.40.428 75 3675 E-Mail: fachbib.twi(at)haw-hamburg.de http://www.haw-hamburg.de/ |
Bibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky The public university library (SUB) is a central lending library of the Hamburger Hochschulen and at the same time, the state libray of the Hanseatic and Free Hamburg. ADRESS: Von-Melle-Park 3 20146 Hamburg Tel: 040 42838 2233 E-Mail: auskunftKEINSPAMsub.uni-hamburg.de http://www.sub.uni-hamburg.de/ |
Universitäts-Krankenhaus Eppendorf
Central Medical Library This library founded in March 2000, concentrates the medical inventory of all UKE institutes and clinics and the SUB and ÄZB medical inventory.It provides the researh, teaching and medical supplies. ADRESS: Martinistraße 52 20246 Hamburg Tel.: 49 (0)40 - 42803 - 0 E-Mail: aezbKEINSPAMaezb.uke.uni-hamburg.de http://www.uke.uni-hamburg.de/ |
Universitätsbibliothek der Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg As main facilities, the library TUB offers the research, teaching a the study at the TUHH. Furthermore the TUB is open to customers of the Hamburg region. ADRESS: Denickestrasse 22 21073 Hamburg Tel.: 040 / 4 28 78 - 28 45 Fax: 040 / 4 28 78 - 22 48 http://www.tub.tu-harburg.de/ |