2. Main modules

The next table shows that the facts, Speech and Language, chosen for the student can be lernt in two different places consecutively i.e Speech in Granada and Language in Hamburg or in Patras.

Nr. Topics Can be taken in....... Credit points (ETCS)
1 Theoretical Linguistics UHH, UMAN 15
2 Natural Language Processing UHH, UMAN, UPATR 10
3 Phonetics and Phonology UGR, UMAN 10
4 Cognitive Models for Speech and Language Processing UHH, UMAN 10
5 Speech Signal Processing UGR, UPATR 15
6 Pattern Recognition UGR, UPATR 10
7 Language Engineering Applications UHH, UMAN 10
8 Programming User.Languages UHH, UMAN, UGR, UPATR 10
9 Thesis UHH, UMAN, UGR, UPATR 30

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