Tasks for the weeks 1-19 april

Group1 Design of Ontology and collection of Ressources.

  • Look in the Internet on Websites about Romania and establish a DB (for the begining 40 entries) following the format given on Slide 29 von Hahn
  • Desing a region ontology (hierarchy) for Romania , as indicated in slide 34 von Hahn
  • after you have the 40 entries in the DB, think at general concepts covering the actions, places (indoor, outdoor, etc.), etc, and establish the ontology as in slide 31 von Hahn

Group2 Linguistic Ressources, Group 3- Info module, and Group 4 NL module

  • work at the beginning together: analize the given corpus and extract :
    • classify sentences according to their syntactic similarities.
    • define names for the semantic clases of the lexemes like: location_question, action_verb (cf. slide 21 von Hahn)

Group 5 Answer Module

  • Define possible patterns for answers, very simple patterns to be used in different situations.

Group 6 User interface:

  • Start with the graphical interface
  • realise a web-site like program for things that are very necessary to be known about romania.
  • look at the corpus and try to avoid to give explicti answers to the questions ther, so that the work of the others remains interesting.

-- CristinaVertan -- 14 Apr 2004
Warning: Can't find topic MTP.WebLeftBarExample

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