Thursday 30th August

DP TSL ML CA CASP ESP IT eLSP Colloquia 5 Colloquia 6

Section eLSP (LSP and eLearning)

  • 14.30 Irina Aleksenko, Christina v. Bremen, Monica Gavrila, Walther v. Hahn, Angelika Redder, Cristina Vertan Annimated processes for learning complex linguisttic theories
  • 15.30 Eelco Mossel, Retrieval of multilingual meterial in an eLearning envrionment
  • 16.00 Lars Müllerchen, Cristina Vertan, I*Teach - an innovative Methos to teach soft skills by means of IT.
  • 17.00 Olaf Grabienski, AGORA. e-Plattform für die Hamburger Geisteswissenschaften

-- CristinaVertan -- 22 Aug 2007
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