Tuesday 28th August

TT PA CA L TG TSL M P Colloquia 3 Colloquia 4

Section TG (Textual and genre analysis of specialised discourse )

14:30 Donatella Malavasi
*Does the discussion of results vary in its linguistic realization in professional vs. academic discourse? pdf

15:00 Alexander Chudinov
*Connectivity as the main property of special texts pdf

15:30 Jane Lung
*A Corpus for the Analysis of Case Genre pdf

16:00 Maurizio Gotti
*CADIS – A Corpus for the Analysis of Identity Traits in Academic Discourse pdf

17:00 Lucia Abbamonte, Flavia Cavaliere
*As previous researchers have found…’ – dialogic Endorsement in Social Psychology Research Articles. pdf

17:30 Merja Koskela
* Tax authorities on the web – a genre system view. pdf

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