
  • Nachrichtendienstliche Informationsgewinnung
    • A. Zanasi: Open sources automatic analysis for corporate and government intelligence. In. A. Zanasi (ed.) Text mining and its applications to intelligence, CRM and knowledge management. WIT-Press, Southampton, 2005, S. 185-207.
    • A. Politi: A critical appraisal of text mining in an intelligence environment. In. A. Zanasi (ed.) Text mining and its applications to intelligence, CRM and knowledge management. WIT-Press, Southampton, 2005, S. 209-218.

  • Polizeiberichte
    • S. Ananyan: Link analysis in crime pattern detection. In. A. Zanasi (ed.) Text mining and its applications to intelligence, CRM and knowledge management. WIT-Press, Southampton, 2005, S. 299-313.

-- WolfgangMenzel -- 06 Mar 2007

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