+ University Of Sheffield
Department of Computer Science,
University of Sheffield (UK) Natural Language Processing Group
Prof. Rob Gaizauskas
MUC-Organisator, Integrating Information Extraction Technology into Text Browsers
Dr. Mark Hepple
Rule-based Part-of-Speech Taggers, Lambek Grammars, D-Tree Grammars, Proceedings of the Eighth Text Retrieval Conference (TREC-8)
Dr. Louise Guthrie
Interaction between Lexicon and Cognition, Metonymy, Role of Lexicons in NLP, Text Processing Using Multi-lingual Resources
Prof. Yorick Wilks
Computational pragmatics, Computational Lexicon research, information extraction, Large Vocabulary Word Sense Disambiguation,
LaSIE project for MUC-7
AlexGrupe - 29 Apr 2003