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Re: ACE proposal

To: "Douglas E. Appelt" <appelt@ai.sri.com>

Subject: Re: ACE proposal

From: Jonathan K Davis <jkdavis@afterlife.ncsc.mil>

Date: Wed, 08 Jan 2003 17:01:57 -0500

CC: ACE Government List <ace_gov@nist.gov>, ACE Participants List <ace_list@nist.gov>

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References: <BA41D61E.65BE%appelt@ai.sri.com>


Regretably, last week my management decided not to advertise the next phase of the ACE program, since funding was cut in the recent budget passed by Congress. We'd thought of putting it in a BAA as "unfunded", hoping to come up with funds later this fiscal year, but the impending potential hostilities are perceived as being able to suck up all unused money that we'd try to obtain. As a result, we thought it best not encourage organizations to spend their money on proposals that had little chance of being funded once selected. We'll try again next fiscal year.

We've managed to keep some data activities alive this year. The LDC will be annotating 300K words each of English, Chinese, and Arabic news reporting, so there will be answer keys according to the current conventions available later on. The PropBank-1 work in English will continue, as will the verbal work on the Chinese PropBank. However, there is no money this year for algorithm/systems research.

With a heavy heart,


"Douglas E. Appelt" wrote: >
> JK,
> Hi, and happy new year.
> I was interested to know what the plans are regarding the RFP for the
> ACE follow-on, and when to expect that it might be released. It would be
> helpful in planning my own time to know when a major proposal-writing effort
> might be required.
> Thanks a lot.
> - Doug

-- WolfgangMenzel - 22 Apr 2003
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