+ Literatur Liste

Allgemein zur Sprachverarbeitung

  • [Allen95] "Natural Language Understanding", J. Allen, Benjamin/Cummings, 1995
  • [Görz95] "Einfürung in die künstliche Intelligenz", Günther Görz(Hrsg.), Addison-Wesley, 1995
  • [Winograd93] "Language as a Cognitive Process", Vol 1., Syntax, T. Winograd, Addison-Wesley, 1993
  • [Carstensen01] "Computerlinguistik und Sprachtechnologie", K-U. Carstensen, Ch. Ebert, C. Endriss, S. Jekat etc., Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 2001
  • [Dale00] "Handbook of Natural Language Processing", R. Dale, H. Moisl, H. Sommers, Marcel Dekker, 2000
  • [Mosny96] "Semantic Information preprocessing for natural language interaction to databases", Milan Mosny, Simon Fraser Univ. Thesis, 1996

Allgemein zur Benutzungsinterface, HLT, Intelligente Benutzungsinterface

  • [Schneiderman98] "Designing the User Interface, strategies for effective Human - Computer Interaction", B. Shneiderman, Addison Wesley, 1998
  • [Olsen98] "Developing User Interfaces", D. R. Olsen, Morgan Kaufman, 1998
  • [Taylor94] "Software Engineering and Human - Computer Interaction", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, R. N. Taylor (Hrsg.), Springer, 1994


  • [Androuts02] "Exploring time, Tense and Aspect in Natural Language database Interfaces", I. Androutsopoulos, in Natural Language Processing Series, Vol. 6, John Benjamin Publishing Company, 2002
  • [Androuts94] "Natural Language Interfaces to Databases - An Introduction", I. Androutspoulos, G.D. ritchie, P. Thanisch, Journal of Natural Language engineering, Cambridge University Press, 1994
  • [Wallace84] "Communicating with databases in natural language", M. Wallace, Ellis Horwood, 1984
  • [Kaplan] "Appropriate responses to inapropriate questions", S. J. Kaplan

Intelligente Agenten

  • [Wooldridge02] "An introduction to Multiagent Systems", M. wooldridge, John wiley&Sons, 2002

On-line Ressources

-- CristinaVertan - 04 Apr 2003
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