How to reach the conference venue

Coming from the inner city of Hamburg (including main Railway station)

take the underground train line U2 to station "Hagenbeks Tierpark" in the direction "Niendorf Nord" leave the station through the pedestrian tunnel and change to

  • bus 181 in the direction to "Niendorfer Gehege" or "Eidelstedter Platz", or

  • bus 281 in the direction to "Krupunder", "Eidelstedter Platz", or "Jaarsmoorweg"

As marker, you should see on the opposite side of the road a supermarket "EDEKA"

Leave the bus at the 2nd stop named "Informatikum" and turn towards the only tall building visible from the site of the stop.

Coming from one of the hotels reserved through organisers

  • from New Living Home, please find information here
  • from hotel Wagner, please find Information here
  • from Motel One, please find information here
    • bus plan from Motel One on 21st. September
    • bus plan from motel One on 22nd September

General Information

  • A plan of the campus can be found here
  • Position of the campus (when coming by car or by bus)

With the link below you can search the on-line plan of the public transportation in Hamburg and see how to reach from your hotel the conference venue:

-- CristinaVertan -- 18 Sep 2008

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