The 12th Annual Conference of the
European Association for Machine Translation
September 22 - 23, 2008
Hamburg, Germany

The European Association for Machine Translation will hold its annual conference in Hamburg, Germany, on September, 22 & 23, 2008. The meeting is the twelfth in a series of regular events which provide a forum for the exchange of ideas concerning all aspects of Machine Translation and computer-aids and tools for translators. The purpose of the EAMT conference is to bring together users, developers, and researchers to discuss the latest developments in the field.

This year the main focus of the conference will be on

"Hybrid MT methods in practice: their use in multilingual extraction, cross-language information retrieval, multilingual summarization, and applications in hand-held devices"

The conference programme is now available. We are pleased to announce two invited speakers:
  • Nicola Cancedda, from the Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble; and
  • Uwe Reinke, Institute for Multilingual Communication and Translation (ITMK), Cologne University of Applied Sciences

Please visit the conference web pages at

for a the programme, details of the venue, and further travel and registration information. Local organization is provided by the University of Hamburg, Department of Computer Science, Natural Language Systems Division.

Registration closes on *12th September 2008.(extended from 7th September)

Please follow the link from the conference web pages for secure, on-line registration.

Willkommen in Hamburg!

On behalf of the local organizers

Cristina Vertan

Walther v. Hahn

-- CristinaVertan -- 28 Jul 2008
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