Constructions Database

The database to be interactively developed here by the members of the Wissenschaftliches Netzwerk Konstruktionsgrammatik, sponsored by the DFG, comprises constructions of English and German, which have been described in the literature or developed by the members.

The template for the database of constructions built up within the Wissenschaftliches Netzwerk Konstruktionsgrammatik can be found here: ConstructionTemplate

The database currently comprises the following constructions:

Label Language Author created last modified
as-predicative english BeateHampe 03 Apr, 2009 - 20:56 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11
ConativeConstruction english ArneZeschel 22 Mar, 2009 - 16:17 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11
Particle Verb Construction english StefanMueller 03 Nov, 2005 - 08:58 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11
IndirectSpeechact Construction english DanielWiechmann 06 Apr, 2009 - 13:35 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11
So Time Construction english KerstinFischer 24 Mar, 2009 - 14:18 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11
Had better-Construction english ManfredSailer 20 Apr, 2008 - 18:42 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11
Resultative Construction english StefanMueller 28 Oct 2005 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11
As goes so goes-Construction english ManfredSailer 31 Mar, 2008 - 20:11 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11
SwarmConstruction english ArneZeschel 22 Mar, 2009 - 15:06 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11
Just Because Doesn't Mean Construction english ManfredSailer 25 Feb, 2009 - 23:53 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11
Had Best Construction english ManfredSailer 20 Apr, 2008 - 20:26 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11
Uptaking Construction english KerstinFischer 09 Mar, 2009 - 14:50 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11
Wherewithal Construction english KerstinFischer 07 Apr, 2009 - 13:32 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11
Declarative Request english KerstinFischer 12 Mar, 2009 - 16:45 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11
Let Alone Construction german ManfredSailer 05 Dec, 2009 - 16:31 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11
Vergewisserungssignal weisst du wissen Sie german WolfgangImo 26 Jul, 2006 - 11:25 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11
MenschKonstruktion german KarinBirkner 28 Mar, 2006 - 14:35 17 Oct 2012 - 19:11

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TIP Members of the DFG-Netzwerk Construction Grammar are allowed to add new construction descriptions to the database.

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