List of publications
1996 -2000 : CS (genetic algorithms, image processing, parallel algorithms, specification of concurrent systems) - 19 Articles
2000-20013 (Language Technology (LT)-40 Articles; Digital Humanities (DH) - 10 Articles: Educational (ED) - 5 Articles)
- (LT) Duma, M., and Vertan, C., and Menzel, W. : A new syntactic metric for evaluation of Machine Translation, Proceedings of the ACL-SRW Workshop, Sofia 2013
- (LT) Duma, M. and Duma, M.S. and v. Hahn, W. and Vertan, C., “Translation Technology for Terminology“, accepted for publication in Proceedings of the 19th European Symposium o Language for Special Purposes, Vienna, Austria, July 2013
- (LT) Duma, M.S., und Vertan, C, “Integration of Machine Translation in On-line Multilingual Applications – Domain Adaptation”, accepted for publication in TC3-Journal for Translation Computation, Corpora, Cognition (to appear July 2013)
- (LT) Anechitei, A. and Cristea, D. and Ioannidis, D., and Ignat, E. and Karagiozov, D. and Koeva, S. and Kopeć, M. and Vertan, C. „Summarizing Short Texts Through a Discourse-Centered Approach in a Multilingual Context“. In Neustein, A., Markowitz, J.A. (eds.), Where Humans Meet Machines: Innovative Solutions to Knotty Natural Language Problems. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg/New York. 2013
- (LT) Vertan, C. and v. Hahn, W., Integration of multilingual tools for less resourced languages in productive systems , in Multilingual Processing in Eastern and Southern EU Languages. Low-resourced Technologies and Translation, Vertan, C. and v. Hahn, W. (Eds.), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012
- (LT) Gavrila, M. and v. Hahn, W. and Vertan,**C . “Same domain different discourse style-A case study on Language Resources for data-driven Machine Translation”, Proceedings of LREC 2012, 21-27.May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
- (LT) Belogay,A. Ćavar, D., Cristea, D., Karagiozov,D., Koeva, S. Nikolov,R. Ogrodniczuk, M. Przepiórkowski,A. Raxis, P. and Vertan,**C ., ”Harnessing NLP Techniques in the Processes of Multilingual Content Management”, in Proceedings of EACL-2012
- (LT) Vertan, C., “Two approaches for integrating translation and retrieval in real applications“, in Proceedings of the Joint Workshop ESIRMT-HYTRA, in conjunction with EACL 2012
- (DH) Vertan, C., Reimers S. „ A TEI-based Application for Editing Manuscript Descriptions”,in Journal of TEI, Issue 2, February 2012
- (LT) Belogay,A. Ćavar, D., Cristea, D., Karagiozov,D., Koeva, S. Nikolov,R. Ogrodniczuk, M. Przepiórkowski,A. Raxis, P. and Vertan,**C. i-Publisher, i-Librarian and EUDocLib – linguistic services for the Web. In Proceedings of the 8th Practical Applications in Language and Computers Conference (PALC 2011), University of Łódź, Poland, 2011.
- (LT) Belogay,A. Ćavar, D., Cristea, D., Karagiozov,D., Koeva, S., Ogrodniczuk, M. Przepiórkowski,A. Raxis, P. and Vertan,**C . Language processing chains in ATLAS. In Proceedings of the 5th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, page 577, Poznań, Poland, 2011.
- (LT) Karagiozov, D. Koeva,S. Ogrodniczuk, M. and Vertan,**C . ATLAS — A Robust Multilingual Platform for the Web. In Proceedings of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology Conference (GSCL 2011), Hamburg, Germany, 2011.
- (LT) Gavrila, M. and Vertan, C., „Text Genre - an Unexplored Parameter in Statistical Machine Translation“, Proceedings of the 5th Language and Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics (LTC 2011), Editor Zygmunt Vetulani, pages 491-495, November 25-27, 2011, Poznań, Poland, ISBN 978-83-932640-1-8.
- (LT) Vertan, C. and Gavrila, M. Using manual and parallel aligned corpora for Machine Translation Services within an Online Content Management System In Proceedings of the RANLP-2011 Second Workshop on Annotation and Exploitation of Parallel Corpora, Editors: Kiril Simov, Petya Osenova, Jorg Tiedemann, and Radovan Garabik, pages 53-58, Hissar, Bulgaria, 15 September 2011, ISBN: 978-954-452-021-2.
- (LT) Gavrila M., and Vertan, C..Training data in statistical machine translation - the more, the better? In Proceedings of the RANLP-2011 Conference, Editors: Galia Angelova, Kalina Bontcheva, Ruslan Mitkov, and Nikolai Nikolov, pages 551-556, Hissar, Bulgaria, 12-14 September 2011, Publisher: INCOMA Ltd., ISSN 1313-8502.
- (LT) Vertan, C., „Linguistic Challenges within an intelligent web content management system for specialised documents“, in Alekseeva, L. (eds.) Proceedings of the XVIII Symposium on Language for Special Purposes, Perm, August 2011
- (DH) Vertan, C., „Towards the Integration of Language Tools Within Historical Digital Libraries“, in Proceedings of the international Conference for Languages, Ressources and Evaluation LREC 2010, Malta, 19-21 May 2010
- (LT+ED) Gavrila, M. and Vertan, C. and v.Hahn, W, „ProLiV – Learning Terminology with Animated Models for Visualizing Complex Linguistic Theories“, in „Specialised Languages in Global Commpunication“, v. Hahn, w. and Vertan, C. (Eds.), Peter Lang 2010 p. 155-162
- (DH) Vertan, C . , - Semantic Web Technologies for managing heterogeneous data in manuscript repositories-, Applying Semantic Web Technologies To Medieval Manuscript Research, ESF Exploratory Workshop SCH, Birmingham, 30April-1 March 2010
- (DH) Vertan, C., „Maschinelle Übersetzung für historische Sprachen „ – Tagungsberricht, in KI-journal, Schwerpunkt Kulturerbe und KI, No. 4/2009, p. 57-58
- (LT+ED)Gavrila, M. and Vertan, C . ProLiV: a tool for teaching by viewing computational linguistics, Proceedings of the ACL-IJCNLP 2009 Software Demonstrations, p. 13-16
- (DH) Vertan, C.,„TEUCHOS – A multilingual knowledge – based platform for research in classical philology“, ENRICH final Conference Proceedings, National Library of Spain, Madrid 5-6 November 2009, p. 57-60
- (DH) Vertan, C.,Integrating multilingual knowledge in an on-line platform for research in classical philology, Workshop on Applied Technology for Digital Libraries AT4DL 2009,
- (DH) Vertan, C.,„Teuchos: An Online Knowledge-based Platform for Classical Philology“, Digital Classisicist Seminar, London 2009,
- (DH) Deckers, D. and Koch, L. and Vertan, C., „Representation and Encoding of Heterogeneous Data in a Web Based Research Environment for Manuscript and Textual Studies“ , in “Kodikologie und Paläographie im digitalen Zeitalter” / “Codicology and Palaeography in the Digital Age”, Malte Rehbein, Patrick Sahle, Torsten Schaßan (Eds.), Schriften des Instituts für Dokumentologie und Editorik — Band 2, BoD Norderstect, 2008 p. 79-96
- (DH) Vertan, C., "Multilinguality in an on-line platform for classical philology - beyond localization of the user interface", in Proceedings of the GSCL-symposium - "Sprachtechnologie und eHumanities", W,. Höppner (Ed.), Universität Duisburg-essen, ISSN 1863-8554, February 2008
- (LT) Gavrila, M. and Elita, N. and Vertan, C., „Experiments with String similarity Measures in the EBMT Framework“, in proceedings of the International confernce Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2007, Borovets, Bulgaria, pp. 183-187
- (ED)Dodero, G. and Miranowicz, M. and Musakoviene, M. and Stefanova, E. and Vertan, C., The Virtual Training Center: A support for Teachers Community, in Proceedings of the 3rd Balcan Conference in informatics, 27-29 September 2007, Sofia, pp. 349-362
- (LT) Vertan, C. and Lemnitzer, L and Simov, K. and Monachesi, P. and Kiling A. and Cristea D. and Evans, D., „Crosslingual retrieval in an eLearning environment,“ in proceedings of AIIA 2007 (Artificial Intelligence and Human Oriented Computing) , p. 839-837
- (LT)Lemnitzer, L. and Vertan, C. and Simov, K. and Monachesi, P. and Kiling A. and Cristea D. and Evans, D., „Improving the search for learning objects with keywords and ontologies“.In Proceedings of Technologically enhanced learning conference 2007, p. 202-216, Best paper award.
- (ED) Vertan, C. and v. Hahn, W. , „InnovativeTeacher – Enhanced IT Skills in Education“, in Proceedings of the German e-Science Conference, Mai 2007, Baden-Baden, can be retrieved at
- (LT) Lemnitzer, L. and Mossel, E. and Vertan, C. , „Language Technology for eLearning – a multilingual approach from the German perspective“, in Datenstrukturen für linguistische Ressourcen und ihre Anwendungen, Proceedings of the Biennial GLDV Conference, Gunter Narr Verlag Tübingen, 2007, p. 135-144
- (LT) Lemnitzer, L. and Vertan, C. and Simov, K. and Monachesi, P. and Kiling A. and Cristea D. and Evans, D., „Integrating Language Technology and Semantic Web techniques in eLearning.“ , in Proceedings of ICL 2006, September 27 - 29, 2006, Villach, Austria , p. 666-672
- (LT) Gavrila, M. and Vertan, C ., „Visualization of complex linguistic theories“, In International Conference on Digital Media and Learning Conference Proceedings, Bangkok, Thailand, March 2006., Tana Press Co., Ltd., pag. 158-163
- (LT) Gavrila, M. and Vertan, C . and v. Hahn, W., „MANAGELEX, a tool fort he management of complex lexical structures“, in Exchange of Lexical and Terminological Resources –In GLDV-Journal for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology, Band 21, Heft 1, Exchange of Lexical and Terminological Resources, Beiträge des Workshops des GLDV-Arbeitskreises Machinelle Übersetzung, Koethen, Juni 2005, p. 57-65, ISSN 0175-1336, 2006
- (LT) Gavrila, M. and Vertan, C., „MANAGELEX and the Semantic Web“, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on „Ontologies and Lexical Resources“, in conjunction with IJCNLP 2005, Jeju, South Korea, October 2005, pag. 22-28
- (LT) Vertan, C. and Espin Martin, V., „Experiments with Matching Algorithms in example-Based Machine translation“, in Proceedings of the International workshop „Modern approaches in Translation Technologies“ , in conjunction with RANLP 2005, Borovets, Bulgaria, September 2005, p. 42-45
- (DH+ED) Vertan, C. and v. Hahn, W., „Thematische Module einer computerphilologischen Grundvorlesung“, in Jahrbuch für Computerphilologie 2005 , F. Ianidis (Eds.), p. 131-141
- (LT) Gavrila, M. and Vertan, C . and v. Hahn, W., „Designing a PAROLE/SIMPLE German-English-Romanian Lexicon“, in Proceedings of the International Workshop "Language and Speech Infrastructure for Information Access in the Balkan Countries", in conjunction with RANLP 2005, Borovets, Bulgaria, September 2005, p. 82-87
- (LT) Vertan, C., „Cross-lingual retrieval in Semantic Web“,in Proceedings of the International Workshop on „Semantic web Technologies for Machine Translation“, in conjunction with MT-Summit X, Phuket, Thailand, September 2005, pag. 2-5
- (LT) Vertan, C. and v. Hahn, W., „Challenges fort he Multilingual Semantic Web“, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on „Semantic web Technologies for Machine Translation“, in conjunction with MT-Summit X, Phuket, Thailand, September 2005, p. 5-10
- (LT) v. Hahn, W. and Vertan, C., „Mehrsprachiges Semantic Web und die damit verbundenen linguistischen Aufgaben“, in Proceedings of International Symposium VAKKI 2005, Vaasa, Finland, February 2005, p. 30-47
- (LT) Vertan C., "Language Resources for the Semantic Web - Perspectives for Machine Translation", Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Language Resources for Translation, work, research and Training, Coling '04 , pag. 37 – 42
- (LT) Vertan, C., "Querying Multilingual Semantic Web in Natural Language", in Proceedings of W3C International workshop "Semantic Web Applications and Perspectives (SWAP)", Ancona Italy, pag. 98-101
- (LT) Vertan, C., “Language Resources in Teaching CL-Between Reuse And Creation”, in Proceedings of Language Resources in teaching Computational Linguistics and e-learning, Workshop at LREC 2004 ,pag. 23-27
- (LT) Vertan, C., „Introduction to Machine Translation“, Course Material at the 16th European Summer School in Logic Language and Information, 9-20 August, 2004, Nancy, France, Edited by FoLLI
- (LT) Vertan, C., „Understanding technical texts across languages without translation“, in LSP 2003 „Communication, Culture, Knowledge, Guildford, England, 2003
- (LT) Vertan, C. and v.Hahn, W. „Menu-choice Translation - a flexible menu-based controlled natural language system", Proceedings of EAMT-CLAW joint Conference on Controlled Language Translation, Dublin, Ireland, May 2003, pag. 194-199
- (LT) Vertan, C. and v. Hahn, W., „Towards a generic architecture for Lexicon Management“, Proceedings of ELRA - Workshop on „International Standards of Terminology and Language Resources Management“, LREC 2002, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 27 Mai – 1 June 2002, pag 45 – 49
- (LT+ED) Vertan, C. and v. Hahn, W., „Architectures of „toy“ systems for teaching Machine Translation“, Proceedings of EAMT/BCS Workshop on „Teaching Machine Translation“, Manchester, 14 – 15 November 2002 , pp. 69-78
- (LT) Vertan, C., „Architectures for Speech and Language Processing – state of art and research directions“, FBI-HH-M-321, November 2002.
- Vertan, C., "Communicating X-Machines Systems", Studia Universitas "Babes-Bolyai", No.1, 2001, pag. 93-105
- Georgescu, H. and Vertan, C., „A New Approach to Communicating X-Machines Systems“, Journal of Universal Computer Science, Vol. 6, issue 5, 2001, pp. 490-502
- (LT) Vertan, C. and Tessiore, L., "Graphical Evaluation Tool - GET- manual", Verbmobil Report Univ. Hamburg, September, 2000
- Cowling, J. and Georgescu, H. and Vertan, C ., „A structured way to use Channels for communication in X-machine Systems“, Formal aspects of computer Science, Vol. 12, No. 6, December 2000, pp. 485-500
- Georgescu, H. and Vertan, C. „Communicating Stream X-machine Systems. Deadlock Detection“, Proceeedings of CITTI (Informatic Technologies and Theoretical Informatics), pp.100-107;
- Balanescu, T. and Gorgescu, H. and Gheorghe, M. and Vertan, C.,„Communicating stream X-machines systems are no more than X-machines“, Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 5, nr. 9, pp. 494-507
- Vertan, C., Translation of Introduction to algorithms - Introducere în ALGORITMI by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald R. Rivest, 2 Chapters English -> Romanian translation. Translation appeared at Ed. Libris, Romania in 2000.
1999 - 1996
- Balanescu, T. and Georgescu, H. and Holcombe, M. and Vertan, C. , “Some remarks on Stream X-machines based on Grammar Systems”, Proceedings of AFL’99, Hungary.
- Gerogescu, H. and Vertan, C., „Curs de programare paralela ("Parallel Processing")“, Ed. Univ. “Ovidius” Constanta, 1999, 169 pp. (in romanian);
- Vertan, C. and Georgescu, H, „Parallel Genetic Algorithms for Shared Memory Architectures“, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium of Economic Informatics, Bucharest 1999, pp. 16-25;
- Vertan, C. „Stability study for the hierarchical clustering method MPNN“, Analele Universităţii Bucureşti (seria Matematică-Informatică) (Annals of Bucharest University, Mathematics-Informatics series) nr. 1 pp. 131-137
- Vertan, C. and Vertan, Ct. „Routing with compact routing tables“, Proceedings of ICECS'96- the third IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems,vol. 2, pp. 816-819
- Vertan, C. and Vertan „Industrial Robot Workspace optimization by relaxation techniques“, Proceedings of ECCO-IX Conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial optimization, pag. 37-38
- Vertan, C., „Rezolvarea problemei alocării proceselor în contextul unor arhitecturi paralele cu ajutorul algoritmilor genetici (Process scheduling using parallel genetic algorithms)“, Revista Română de Informatica si Automatica (Romanian Journal of Informatics and Automatics), vol. 6 nr. 3, pp. 59-63
- Vertan, C. and Vertan, Ct. „Breaking the Merkle-Hellman Cryptosystem by Genetic Algorithms: Locality versus Performance“, in Real World Applications of Intelligent Technologies, Eds. H. J. Zimmermann, M. Gh. Negoita, D. Dascalu, Ed. Academiei Române, 1996 , pp. 201-208
- Vertan, Ct. and Vertan, C., „FMPNN - A new Fuzzy unsupervised Clustering Algorithm“, Proceedings of EUFIT96 the Fourth European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing, vol. 3, pp. 1812-1815
- Vertan, Ct. and Vertan, C., „Multicriterial clustering using the simulated annealing algorithm“, Proceedings of ROSYCS96, Iasi, Romania, pag. 361-371
- Vertan, C. and Vertan , "Hierarchical Routing using the simulated annealing algorithm", Proceedings of IEEE (Romanian section) Symposium "Communications'96" pp. 26-29
- Vertan, C., „Quadtree representation for binary images – sequential and parallel algorithms“, Analele Universitatii Bucuresti (seria Matematica-Informatica), nr. 1, pp. 69-74
- Vertan, Ct. and Vertan, C.and Buzuloiu, V., „Fuzzy Developments of Multichannel Filters“, in Conventional and Knowledge-Based Intelligent Electronic Systems, Ed. L. C. Jain, IEEE Press, vol. 2, pp. 245-250
- Vertan, Ct. and Vertan, C.and Buzuloiu, V., „Reduced Computation Genetic Algorithm for Noise Removal”, Proceedings of IEE IPA ‘97 - International Conference on Image Processing and its Applications, Dublin, Ireland, pp. 313-316
- Vertan, C., „Labelling Connected Components of an Image - sequential and parallel algorithms“, Analele Universitatii Bucuresti (Seria Matematica - Informatica) (Annals of Bucharest University, Mathematics-Informatics series) nr. 2, pp. 37-46
- Vertan, C., „Limbajul de programare Java (The Java programming language)“, in Restructuring of the (re)training of school teachers in Computer Science, Ed. Computer Libris Agora, 1999, pp. 328-343
- Vertan, C. and Georgescu, H., „National Report for Romania“, Proceedings of Evaluation Conference on Inter-University Cooperation in Europe in the Field of Computing, 1997, pp. 202 - 207, Dublin;