April 2013-July 2013, Grant from the Hamburgische Wissenschaftliche Stiftung, for a research surves on tools for historical langauges
November 2011, series of conferences, DAAD visiting grant, for invited talks at the Universities of Buenos Aires (Argentina), Cordoba (Argentina), Santiagoa de Chiel (Chile)
2006 EXPO 2006 1st Prize for the student Project "TELAS: Ein Telefonauskunftssystem für ausländische Studierende" (coordinated students: Fabian Greuel, Jan Lüke, Ricardo Nonomura, Johannes Stammer)
2005 DFG short research grant (1 month) at the Macquarie university Sysdney (Prof. Robert Dale)
2002- 2003 Humboldt Fellow at the University of Hamburg