Yada Tracking

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Data visulaisation using gnuplot
Documentation missing
not possible to use HampsterCluster when started from nats47
Problem size = nr. values
Reloading Init Scripts
GlsReplayDocument 17 Oct 2012 - 19:07 MichaelDaum yada wish reported
YadaDocumentationMissing 17 Oct 2012 - 19:07 MichaelDaum yada wish reported
DisplayingProblemSize 17 Oct 2012 - 19:07 MichaelDaum yada wish reported
ReloadingInitScripts 17 Oct 2012 - 19:07 MichaelDaum yada wish reported
GnuplotFrontend 17 Oct 2012 - 19:07 MichaelDaum yada wish reported
YadaOnNats47 17 Oct 2012 - 19:07 YvonneKuestermann yada bug reported
Visualize gls transformations
Number of topics: 6

Frequently Asked Questions

These faqs don't belong into the BugTracker realy. So there should be a YadaFaq similar to the NatsWikiFAQ.

  1. What is a yada module? What is a yada document? The notion of yada module is depricated (see feature request below). Please call the yada module a yada document. Actually we use the term "yada document" in many places where we should talk about "yada document types". Strictly speaking:
    • a yada document consists of the data loaded into an instanciated yada document type in the application, aswell as the saved xml version on disc (this feature is not yet available in yada-2.0-alpha).
    • a yada document type is one of the following: YadaConfig, YadaRunner, YadaOneOnOne, YadaGlsStatistics and YadaRanking (more to come). They are instantiated in the application via the menu File->New Document. Afterwards you are able to load yada document data in that sheet and so on
    • a yada runnable document is one if the following type: YadaRunner, YadaOneOnOne, YadaGlsStatistics You are able to do evaluation runs instantiating them. (caution: see bug report below)
  2. Where's all that data stored?
  3. Where must I put my tcl init script?
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