

Annotate is a tool for efficient semi-automatic annotation of corpus data. It facilitates the generation of context-free structures and additionally allows crossing edges. Functions for the manipulation of such structures are provided. Terminal nodes, non-terminal nodes, and edges are labeled. In the NEGRA project, these labels are used for parts-of-speech and morphology (terminal nodes), phrase categories (non-terminal nodes), and grammatical functions (edges). Type and number of labels are defined by the user. Annotated corpora are stored in a relational database. Annotate has a specified interface for communication with external taggers and parsers.



free of charge


Thorsten Brants and Oliver Plaehn. Interactive corpus annotation. In Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Language Resources and Engineering, LREC 2000, pages 453--459, Athens, 2000. [ .ps.gz ]


see annotate-license.ps: to be sent to postal address


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