Sofia Cooperation

Just talked to Svetla Boycheva from the Sofia University, who is working together with Galia Angelova, A. Strupchanska, O. Kalaydjiev and I. Vitanova on a big CALL system.

Question was, if we could cooperate in integrating our parser for german as a module into their system. The thing missing is a logical formula generation part that translates dependency trees in some arbitrary prolog predicates. The range of accepted clauses in their systems is rather free, ranging up to 2nd order logic.

We agreed on starting activities on:
  1. collecting some typical user input queries
  2. manual generation of corresponding target predicates
  3. integration requirements:
    • theta-roles if passive constructions?
  4. technical approaches
    • in-situ
    • serial postprocessing
    • both
  5. matching algorithms (depending on tech approach)



Here's some literature Svetla pointed me at to get to know their work. More on Galia's homepage (see above)

Sv. Boytcheva, I. Vitanova, A. Strupchanska, M. Yankova, and G. Angelova. Towards the assessment of free learner's utterances in call. In Proc. NLP and Speech Technologies in Advanced Language Learning Systems, InSTIL/ICALL Symposium 2004, Venice, 2004. [ .pdf ]
G. Angelova, A. Strupchanska, O. Kalaydjiev, M. Yankova, Sv. Boytcheva, and I. Vitanova. Towards deeper understanding and personalisation in ecall. In Proc. eLearning for Computational Linguistics and Computational Linguistics for eLearning, Workshop at COLING 2004, Geneva, 2004. [ .pdf ]
G. Angelova, A. Strupchanska, O. Kalaydjiev, Sv. Boytcheva, and I. Vitanova. Terminological grid and free text repositories in computer-aided teaching of foreign language terminology. In Proc. Language Resources: Integration & Development in e-learning & in Teaching Computational Linguistics, Workshop at LREC 2004, Lisbon, 2004. [ .pdf ]
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