This page provides additional information about the paper "Incremental and Predictive Dependency Parsing under Real-Time Constraints".

Note: If you simply want to use jwcdg, use a new version instead (TODO link).

Instructions to reproduce our findings

First, you need to clone the jwcdg git repository from . This repository contains several branches that are needed for the different evaluations.

Timing the initialization

For this experiment you need to use the version contained in the buildIterParallel branch. To actually get timing information, you'll need to set the constant performTimingMeasurements to true in Now you will get debug output that informs you of the time needed for the initialization.

To measure the initialization time for the non-parallelized version, do the same with jwcdg from the master branch.

Timing attackConflict

Use the parallel branch, set performTimingMeasurements to true in Use the master branch for the non-parallelized version.
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