
Carolyn Penstein Rosé and Alon Lavie. Balancing Robustness and Efficiency in Unification-augmented Context-Free Parsers for Large Practical Applications, chapter 10, pages 239--269. Volume 17 of Text, Speech and Language Technology [JunquaNoord01], 2001.
Jean-Claude Junqua and Gertjan van Noord. Robustness in Language and Speech Technology, volume 17 of Text, Speech and Language Technology. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 2001.
Breck, Light, Mann, Riloff, Brown, Anand, Rooth, and Thelen. Looking under the hood: Tools for diagnosing your question and answering engine. 2001. [ .ps.gz ]
Schwitter, Molla, Fournier, and Hess. Answer extraction towards better evaluations of nlp systems. 2000. [ .pdf ]
Riloff and Thelen. A rule-based question answering system for reading comprehension tests. 2000. [ .ps.gz ]
Hirschman, Light, Breck, and Burger. Deep read: A reading comprehension system. 1999. [ .ps.gz ]
Butler, Backer, Falk, Herl, Jang, and Mutch. Benchmarking text understanding systems to human performance: An exploration. 1990. [ .ps.gz ]
Milstein and Sandberg. Using semantic networks for question-answering. [ .pdf ]

Total: 8
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